Chapter 7: Witch-Hunting

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Kreel stands in front of his desk in his tent in the Branwen camp. He is currently inspecting the sword that he and Raven found when they explored the set of ruins which happened to be a temple belonging to a man named Darth Revan. As he inspected the sword, he eventually found that the handle of the blade could detach, revealing that a Kyber crystal could fit within. As he was working on the sword, the Holocron they also found sat on his nightstand.

Too focused on the sword, he fails to notice Raven enter his tent. She leans on a support beam of the tent, watching Kreel.

Raven: "I'm not interrupting something important, am I?"

Kreel: "Ha, ha. You're so funny; you know that? How can I help?"

Raven: "No reason. Everything is all quiet today, and I just wanted to see how our resident alien is doing."

Kreel: "Oh? I'm an alien now? A step up from psycho space murderer."

They both share a laugh. As the laughter dies down, they find themselves looking at each other. Tinges of red appear on their cheeks. Raven coming back to reality as she sighs slightly.

Raven: "Look, I...I wanted to thank you for all that you have done since you've been here. I know I probably should've thanked you earlier during your time here. But after what you said in those ruins, how you genuinely cared for us. I guess I had to."

Kreel: "Raven, you don't have to do that."

Raven: "No. Just...let me do this. Look, I want to thank you for everything up till now. The Spring Maiden situation, training Vernal and helping with the organization of the clan. I know I can seem...cold at times, but I need you to know that your work is appreciated."

Kreel: "I don't know what to say, except I should be thanking you. You had no inclination to take me into your clan. When we first met, I had killed five of your men, I threatened your life, and I disrespectfully spoke to you. But even after all that, you chose to let me stay. I am humbly grateful."

Raven: "Well then, I suppose we're even. Now, show me why your handle is split into two pieces?"

Raven steps toward the table he is standing at but accidentally trips on his Inquisitor helmet he had forgotten to pick up. Falling forward, Kreel luckily catches her as she falls into his chest. As she regains her balance, she meets the brown eyes of Kreel. She felt an immense heat build up on her face as her heart was practically pounding in her chest. Kreel looked down at Raven as he slowly began to inch closer to her face with his own. Soon the two could feel the heat from their breaths. As the two were about to make contact, their moment was interrupted by the sound of a Bullhead flying overhead of the camp.

Pulling the two back to reality, they quickly separate as Kreel picks up his helmet from the floor, and Raven skittishly backs up to the entrance to the tent.

Raven: "I-uh...I should go see what that is."

Kreel: "Yeah. That would be a good idea." The two refrain from locking eyes as Raven soon leaves the tent. "Stupid! Stupid. Gah!...*sigh* What the hell is wrong with me? How am I, an Inquisitor, a butcher of Jedi and Rebels, letting these emotions control me? I can't let this happen...No. I won't let this occur." Looking over at his helmet and the black blade, he narrows his eyes.

Exiting the tent, the Inquisitor had donned his full gear and helmet. The black blade sheathed on his waist in a custom sheath he had the leatherworker make. Its handle glowed a bright red as the Kyber crystal had been integrated into the blade. He also had the Holocron secured on his belt. Walking through the camp toward the Bullhead that had landed right outside the main gate, the other bandits backed away as they could feel the malice radiating off him.

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