Chapter 22: Rule of Two

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Kreel sits at the edge of a campfire making minor adjustments and tinkering with the rotating handle of his Inquisitor Lightsaber, using the extra parts he had from the dresser case that once contained his armor.

Revan: "Making a spare? The designs behind these double blades are rather unique."

Kreel: "While the traditional sabers are reliable, I much prefer the double-bladed saber. They were the ones I was trained with and am most proficient in utilizing."

Revan: "Hmm. Then I suppose you would want to discuss what happened earlier today." Kreel looks over to Raven, who had since passed out after her explosion of power earlier in the day.

Kreel: "Any idea what happened?"

Revan: "It seems that she, in her rage, accessed the Force."

Kreel: "I know that, but how?"

Revan: "Many different factors could cause this to occur—her constant exposure to you using the Force. The mixed emotions interact with her magical abilities from her Maiden status. Perhaps this could have happened because of your shared "experience" the nights prior. Not judging, by the way. Expressing one's feelings toward one another is the true way of the Sith."

Kreel: "Thanks for the lesson, grandpa, but I don't need you to tell me about my sexual life. I just want you to tell me how to handle this situation."

Revan: "It would perhaps be prevalent that you help Raven learn how to use her new abilities. Untrained power is useless and more dangerous to herself and her allies than her enemies."

Kreel: "Great. So I got to be a teacher now. Again."

Revan: "At least it isn't with children this time." Kreel shrugged slightly.

Kreel continued to tinker with the lightsaber. Soon he finished the saber. Igniting the blade, he swung the weapon to test the weight. He soon stopped as he heard Raven shoot up from her sleeping bag. Deactivating the saber, he moves to check on Raven.

Kreel: "Breathe. How are you feeling?"

Raven: "What...what happened?"

Kreel: "Your anger overcame you. In said anger, you lashed out your Maiden abilities, but you also unleashed a Force blast."

Raven: "I did? But I thought you said only a few certain individuals could use the Force."

Kreel: "That's true. I don't know how this could have occurred, but the fact that you have the ability to use the Force should be something to celebrate. You should see it as a sign that you have the true potential to become truly powerful."

Raven: "What about Tai? Is he alright?"

Kreel: ".....In your anger, you killed him." Raven's eyes widened as tears were beginning to form.

Raven: "No...No! No. No. No. What have I done!" She puts her head in Kreel's chest as she begins to cry. Kreel held her as she wept.

Kreel: "I know this hurts. But this is why we have to train. The Force isn't a faultless tool. It can cause unimaginable pain and suffering if not harnessed and properly controlled."

Raven soon calms herself as she slows her breathing. While the pain of killing Tai was unimaginable to bear, she knew that if she didn't learn to control these new powers. Then much like her Maiden abilities, she could hurt more people she cared for, and those people were now in very short supply.

Raven: "*sigh* When do we start?"

Kreel: "Tomorrow. But before that, I need you to understand a few things before then. Hopefully, this will help you acclimate to the training. The Force has abilities many, including other Force users, would consider...unnatural. To use these abilities, your body and mind must be clear and ready. Any impurity or defections in either the way you reach out with your body or connect with your mind can cause irreparable damage to yourself. To this end, you have to close your heart. Push away the connections that will make you vulnerable. Push away the love, compassion, honor, sorrow, and all the other feelings that make you weak. Leave only your hate, your fury, your anger, your rage, and your malice. These emotions have the strongest connection with the Force and allow you to command it and bend it to your will easily."

Raven: "But-"

Kreel: "Hush. No questions for now. Rest. Allow your mind to work everything I said out, and allow your body to be fully prepared for the training that will begin. And one last thing...This may be rather strange, but to ensure that this is handled correctly, we shall refer to one another by titles during this process until you have fully mastered your abilities. You shall refer to me as Master and I to you as Apprentice. Am I understood?"

Raven: "~Foreplay, hmm?~" Saying with a rather seductive tone but is met with only the cold stare of the Inquisitor. "Yes...Master."

Kreel: "Look...I know this will be strange. For the both of us, believe me. But it is paramount that you master these new abilities. And to do so, you need to have the right mindset. Now rest, okay?"  Raven nods as the two share a quick kiss.

Kreel smiles as he watches Raven fall asleep. Soon he grows a scowl as he stands and does a slight stretch. He sets down the red Holocron and begins to go for one of his infamous "walks".

Leaving the small cave that he had made camp in for the night. He stares up at the shattered moon that shines in the night sky with its eerie glow. Walking through the woods, he breathes deeply. He contemplates what he is supposed to do but is broken from his thoughts by the sound of a twig being snapped. Not becoming violent, he simply turns around and softly smiles.

Kreel: "I know you've been following me. You're becoming sloppy."

He watches as a tree begins to crack like glass, soon shattering to reveal Neopolitan. She wore new attire, including the boiler hat the Roman wore when the thief lived.

Neo smiles as she rushes forward and hugs the Inquisitor. All Kreel did was chuckle and reciprocate the hug.

Kreel: "I hope cleaning the mess earlier wasn't too difficult." He says, breaking the hug between the two. Neo rolls her eyes as she types something on her scroll.

Neo(scroll): "Oh yeah. Hiding the death of one of the most famous huntsmen on the planet isn't totally "too difficult". You're lucky I like you so much."

Kreel: "And what about your other mission?"

Neo(scroll): "I've been keeping tabs on the goody two-shoe huntsmen for you, and with the scroll, you picked up, it only adds to my surveillance. Why did you need the scroll if you had me to begin with?"

Kreel: "I needed Raven to cut off her ties to her past life before I could fully trust her as I do you, little snow cone." He says, patting her head. To which her cheeks redden, and she smiles.

Neo(scroll): "Oh! And another thing, I think you'd like this, but I met with Cinder." She types.

Kreel: "What did she want?"

Neo(scroll): "She wants my help getting to Atlas. She's going after the relic just like you are."

Kreel: "I'm assuming you're telling me this because you want to double-cross her?"

Neo(scroll): "She can't be allowed to live after what she did to Roman. Will you help?"

Kreel kneels to Neo's level, placing his hands on her shoulders. As he made eye contact with her, Kreel couldn't help but see her as Vernal. But he soon pushed those thoughts away.

Kreel: "I made a promise to Roman to watch over you and to make sure you were safe. But he saw, just as I do now, that you are stronger than you seem. So don't you ever think for even a moment that you will never have help from me, okay? You needn't even ask."

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