Chapter 21: Way of the Inquisitorius

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Kreel: "From here on, we do things my way. Brutal Efficiency. Nothing less. Understood?"

Raven: "Yes, my love."

Kreel: "No. I want to hear you say it."

Raven: "Brutal Efficiency. Nothing less."

Kreel: "Good. Are you ready? Having second thoughts?"

Raven: "No...I'm ready."

Kreel: "Hmm...Then let's begin."

The dense surrounding forest opens to a small clearing. In the center is a wooden cabin, looking to have around two floors, perhaps an attic as well. Raven exited into the clearing and made her way to the front of the door of the cabin. This was the home of Tai Xiao Long, Raven's first husband and Father to Ruby and Yang. He had this cabin made when he and Raven first married. Back then, Raven looked forward to her life as a mother, but now she had a different life.

Teaching the door, she takes a deep breath as she knocks on the wooden she hadn't seen in almost forever.

Tai: "Coming!" His voice had gotten much deeper since the last time she had seen him. Soon he opens the door. "Now what can I...Raven. It's you....How, uh...How've you been?"

Raven: "Hello, Tai. Do you mind if I come in?"

Tai: "Oh, sure! Please, come in." He moves aside as Raven smiles and enters.

As she fully enters the cozy home, she could instantly tell that Summer Rose, her deceased best friend, had left her mark. The house had bright colors, all the windows let in as much sunlight as possible, and everything was unnecessarily organized. Even if she had been dead for more than 15 years, she somehow still found a way to annoy Raven.

Sitting down at the small table she once fed Yang when she was a baby, Tai sits across from her.

Tai: " have you been? It's been a really long time."

Raven: "Not the best. Things have gone downhill. I lost the clan. Everyone I led and looked out for...they all left. *sigh* Tai, I've been such a fool. To you, to Yang, and even, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, to Qrow as well. I've been a coward. I've run from my responsibilities as a huntress and as a mother. I'm...I'm so sorry."

Tai: "Raven, you don't have to beat yourself up. I mean, yes, you did mess up, but we all mess up. But I'm proud that you were able to admit that, and I know how difficult that is for you. I'm also proud that you chose to try and rebuild what you're able to."

Raven: "Thank you, Tai. Yang here?"

Tai: "No. She and Ruby went with Qrow to go warn the other academies about the people that orchestrated Beacon's destruction."

Raven: "Do you know where they went or where they are?"

Tai: "Yeah, of course. I'd be pretty dumb if I didn't make sure to keep tabs on my daughters. Why?"

Raven: "I just want to know. Can't a mother want to know where her daughter is?"

Tai: "Look, they're safe. Isn't that good enough?"

Raven: "You're right...I'm sorry, I truly am." Raven then lets out a high-pitched whistle.

As she did so, Tai felt a tremendous force yank him through the cabin's front wall and onto the ground outside. Dazed and struggling to stand, he manages to see the figure in black metal armor walking toward him.

Kreel: "So this is the person I contended with?" He turns to Raven, who is standing at the hole created in the house. "I'm disgusted by your past self's standards in men." The Inquisitor walks towards Tai, who now managed to get to his feet.

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