Chapter 32: The Invitation

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Inside Atlas Academy's training arena, Kreel and Adam are busy sparring. Adam fights against Kreel using while accessing his animalistic instincts. This training is meant to teach Adam how to hone and control his instincts and direct them toward his opponents. Kreel can keep up as, at this time, Adam has been able to keep a tight hold on his sense and can fully utilize the enhanced strength and speed he now possesses.

On the edge of the ring sits Neo, who jovially watches on, practically enthralled by their match. The fight, though, is soon paused as the door to the arena opens, in walking Winter Schnee.

Kreel: "Specialist Schnee. What can I assist you with?"

Winter: "Nothing at all, sir. I just wanted to get some training in, but it seems you and your compatriots have beaten me to the punch. I'll wait."

Kreel: "Propsterous! Perhaps we can assist one another in that regard. Adam here needs a new training partner, and I believe someone of your expert background can fill that role quite well. As long as Adam here doesn't mind."

Adam: "I've got no problem with it. As long as she can keep up."

Winter: "Overconfidence is a bad habit to have, Tauras."

Kreel: "Let's keep the competition healthy, you two; now begin." The two take stances as they get ready to duel.

Winter is the first to attack by using her semblance to create a group of white Beowolves that rush toward Adam. Adam, however, keeps his cool against the overwhelming duplicates. Focusing on his senses, he accesses his animal instincts. Following it up with a series of blindingly fast slashes, he cuts through the copies without any trouble and instantly slashes into Winter. Being sent back by the force from his attack, Winter immediately falls back to her swordsmanship. Deflecting another attack from Adam, she proceeds to dance around Adam. Parrying his attack and following up with swipes and slashes of her own.

The two keep up with one another as the match is incredibly close. Finally, the two's auras reached the orange, causing Winter to relent in her attack. But Adam doesn't relent and breaks her aura as her guard is down.

Winter: "What is wrong with you?!? The aura's in the orange, the fights over."

Adam, however, still doesn't let up as he moves for an overhead slash. But his blade clashes against Kreel's new Blackblade, which had interposed itself between the two.

Kreel: "Adam. That's enough. Stand down." Adam regains his senses as he backs away.

Winter: "Is this how you teach your subordinates how to fight?! Like uncivilized savages!?" Kreel catches the Blackblade as it flies back to him.

Kreel: "Calm down, specialist Schnee. It is simply how I was trained. You cannot seriously expect the opponents you face to adhere to the rules of a mock match. So I simply train both Adam and Neo to fight in the same manner. I teach them to fight only to disable their opponents, whether through disarming or incapacitation, never through killing."

Winter: "But isn't that extremely dangerous? Won't they get hurt fighting in such a manner?"

Kreel: "Pain is the lesson they learn for making mistakes. My only hope is that they take that lesson and learn from it so that they don't make the same mistake again. But if you wish for their training to match that of yours during our time working together, I suppose I can accommodate-"

Winter: "No!..-That won't be necessary...Your not flawed. Just...strange is all."

Kreel: "Never downplay your own abilities. You are a woman of regulation and duty. But regulation is the death of instinct. Instinct is what defines the difference between those who live and those who die. Never forget that Specialist Schnee." He feels his scroll vibrate as he receives a call. "Ah! I Apologise, but it seems I need to answer this. Neo! You train with Adam." Neo nods as she hops down. "Specialist Schnee, would you please supervise them while I take this?"

Winter: "Of course...And Mister Kreel?" He turns to look at her. "Call me Winter. And thank you, for the wise words."

Kreel: "Of course, Winter."

Kreel exits the arena and heads into a small hallway. Pulling his scroll out, he's surprised to see Willow calling him.

Kreel: "Willow! I'm surprised you called. What can I assist you with?" His tone becoming more soft and kind.

Willow(scroll): "Oh! Mister Kreel! You don't know how glad I am to hear your voice. I wanted to invite you to dinner tonight at the estate."

Kreel: "Willow...Are you sure this is such a wise decision after your husband's death?"

Willow(scroll): "Well, I wanted to thank you for that wonderful night. But if you don't wish to rush this, then that is perfectly fine with-"

Kreel: "No! No! That won't be necessary. I would love to have dinner with you."

Willow(scroll): "Oh wonderful!! I can't wait."

Kreel: "We'll then, Willow. I shall see you tonight."

Willow(scroll): "I'm already counting the seconds." The call then hangs up.

Kreel sighs as he puts his scroll away and walks back into the arena. He's glad to see Neo holding her own against Adam. Mixing her semblance's ability to create illusions to fake out Adam. This allowed the less experienced fighter to close the gap between the two of them metaphorically.

But his mind was also focused on the dinner tonight with Willow. It was only a matter of time before Willow found out about his true self, or Adam and Neo would find out. He had to plan for that eventuality, which was more challenging than he first thought.

Late Afternoon

Neo plays on her scroll as Adam buffs his mask in the small living room area that had been provided to them by Ironwood. They watch as he is out of one of the individual rooms. Kreel steps out, sheathing his Blackblade.

Adam: "We heading out?" Adam stands up, slightly anxious to do something.

Kreel: "Just myself. You two stay here and try not to kill one another." Neo holds up her scroll.

Neo(scroll): "No promises."

Adam: "Well, can you at least tell us where you're going? You obviously have made it clear that you don't trust us. As that's your main fucking philosophy. But if you want us to follow you. You are going to have to tell us what is the plan." Kreel looked down at Adam as his eyes turned to those of the being he had turned into only a few nights prior. But he then seemed to calm down.

Kreel: "If you wish to know the plan, then you shall...later. Now stay put and try not to kill one another."

Kreel exited the room leaving Adam to huff in frustration—Neo content with playing on her scroll and devouring her ice cream.

Adam: "Neo?" She seemed to perk up to look at Adam. "I think I have an idea on how we can "entertain" ourselves."

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