Chapter 16: Break Through it All

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The lights of the tunnels passed in and out of view of the windows aboard the outbound train. Creating a sense of flashing lights from outside the train. Within the multitude of cars that connect to the engine, White Fang soldiers move throughout the cars. Their weapons drawn and ready as they hear the sound of fighting coming from the rear cars. As they entered the car ahead of the reported intruder, they all took their positions as they heard fighting on the other side of the car door.

As they point their dust rifles at the door, they hear loud banging come from the door. They see the shadow of a body being repeatedly slammed into the door. As they watch the body bash into the door, fear began to spread through their ranks. Some couldn't contain it as their hands trembled.

Their hearts jumped when the door was blasted open as the mangled corpse of another White Fang member was launched into the car. Training their weapons on the now open door, they watch as the Inquisitor walks into the car.

His Black Blade dripped with very fresh blood, and part of his gear was stained red and soaked in Faunus blood.

Kreel: "You can either die here or live a full life." Looking to the left side of the car, he holds up his hand and blasts a hole out of the car. "Jump."

As they look out of the hole at the ground that they currently speed past, they turn back to the Inquisitor. Without hesitation, the White Fang forces that were sent to stop him jumped out of the car.

Kreel: "Good choice." He walks forward as he sheathes his blade. "Now that that's over, time to go find Roman and his young accomplice."

He makes his way to the front of the train, taking care to kill and force-blast White Fang that got in his way. Entering into another car, he finds the two thieves busy disarming multiple Dust bombs.

Roman: "Oh! Good, it's you. Have fun?"

Kreel: "What are you two doing?"

Roman: "Well, as you can see, we are trying to disarm these bombs. I'm shit at it, but Neo's got a knack for being better than me at things." Neo stopped what she was doing and waved at Kreel with a big smile on her face.

Kreel: "Hm...You two get to the front of the train. I'll take care of the bombs. Remember, we are supposed to cut the car loose from the whole thing."

Roman: "Already tried that. The locks too damn tough."

Kreel: "Leave that to me. Now get going." Neo pouts as she follows Roman out of the car.

As Kreel exits the car, he steps over to the next car. Turning to face the car with the Dust bombs, he begins applying pressure to the lock. He soon became enraged as he forcefully ripped the lock from the car using a Force pull. He watches as the cars that were linked to the bomb car begin to slow down behind the main train. As the cars reach a point where they almost leave sight, Kreel spots the hordes of Grimm that were attracted by the swelling of his anger.

Roman: "That's...That's a lot of Grimm."

Kreel: "Having second thoughts?"

Roman: "I don't think it matters if I do."

Kreel: "Good. Your learning. Let's go. They won't catch up until we've reached our destination."

Roman: "Well, on the better side, there won't be any White Fang up near the front, so we can hunker down in one of the empty cars."

The three head into the next car to see it completely different from the other cars. The windows were covered in heavy sheets of metal, the walls reinforced with an extra steel layering. The seats had been removed, and all that remained were the handlebars above that were meant to keep you steady if you stood.

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