Chapter 13: Killer Instinct

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Kreel immediately dropped Cinder as he turned to face the Dark Lord. He had no clue what to do. He could never match Vader in combat, and no Inquisitor could. He could try and run, but where to? As Kreel's mind raced on how not to die, Vader began to walk toward the Inquisitor steadily.

Vader: "Inquisitor. You have failed the Empire for the last time."

The mere sound of his voice was enough for Kreel to begin stumbling backward. His hands felt loose upon the Black Blade, so loose that he dropped the blade. He didn't even dare to think of trying to pick it up. He could feel the very hatred radiating from the Dark Lord. All he could do was wait for his inevitable end.

Revan: "Kreel?! Kreel! Open your eyes, you fool!! Kreel!!" Kreel could hear the Sith's voice, but he was too focused on the Dark Lord standing before him. "It isn't real! None of this is real! Close your eyes and focus!"

Kreel, on instinct or some hope that Revan may be right, did so. He shut his eyes and hoped with all his strength that this was nothing more than a nightmare. Soon as he began to regain focus, the sound of the raspy breathing faded, the hatred had dissipated, and soon Kreel opened his eyes to see nothing. He looked around to see that Emerald, Mercury, Adam, and Cinder were all gone. It was just him. Alone.

Kreel: "W-...Where is...what happened?"

Revan: "You began to hallucinate something. What did you see?"

Kreel: "I saw Lord Vader."

Revan: "Vader, yes. I remember that name from when I dug through your memories. Even in this form, I could feel the fear attached to those memories."

Kreel: "Did you see where they went?"

Revan: "They fled in one of their low-flying ships."

Kreel: "Great. Just great. We'll never find them now."

Revan: "I suggest we wait. They originally planned to sneak into the school, but you've seen their faces. You know their names. Hiding in plain sight isn't an option for them anymore. Which only leaves them the option of a frontal approach."

Kreel: "I remember them saying something about Mountain Glenn. Could it be some kind of staging area or their headquarters father outside the city?"

Revan: "Indeed. But even I have doubts that if we head there now, we'd be able to face an army on our own."

Kreel: "Hate to say it, but I agree. And what do you mean we?"

Revan: "Well, someone has to keep you on track if you decide to hallucinate again." Kreel grumbles to himself as he begins to leave.

Next Morning, Ozpin's Lab

Ozpin: "This is troubling news. If these individuals were willing to align themselves with the White Fang, then they mean to do more than just take Amber's power. They mean to destroy Vale and Beacon. We can not let that happen. Kreel I, thank you for finding this information and for telling me. And about Mountain Glenn, I will set up an expedition with you can Qrow to investigate."

Kreel: "Very well then. But I can't promise we will get along. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a class to run."

Ozpin: "Yes, your right."

About an hour or so later and Kreel is back within the confines of his arena classroom, playing babysitter. But this time, things had changed.

Kreel: "Good Morning, class. Today will be a very special day for you all as the fights will be against your very own teacher. Now I know that I can be an intimidating person, but I can assure you I am much crueler than you first thought. But allow me to throw you a small advantage to incentivize you to participate. If you win against me in a duel, then you will be excused from having to follow the ruthless tactics I had assigned you at the beginning of the year. And all you have to do is land a single hit." The class seemed to roar to life with excitement. "Now, who's first?"

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