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Louis gasps, his stomach queasy and nausea bubbling up, he throws Harry's arm away, and makes a beeline for the bathroom, he falls on his knees and holds the toilet seat before throwing up. his throat and neck hurts, another wave of nausea hits him and he's removing nothing but nasty liquid,

"Shit— baby..." He hears Harry's voice and soon feels the hair curtaining his face being held, he groans and spills more, gagging out, his throat feels on fire by the time he's done with his usual sickness, the stomach bug has been really a pain in his arse.

Harry is quick to put the rim of the glass on his lips and he quickly gargles the water, sighing as he leans on his boyfriend's chest, who wipes the fringe away from his eyes and forehead, "I'm tired." He whispers and Harry hums before standing up and holding him bridal Style,

"I'm sorry you've had the flew. You've been literally throwing up for the past three days." He says and Louis nods before opening his mouth so Harry could brush his teeth, he's so in love with this man, the first day he threw up Harry was there and he was afraid that he'll be disgusted but all he was met with was a loving and caring man. Who took him in his arms and brushed his teeth for him and then had a nice bubble bath after that washing Louis with so much care.

"It's just a bug it'll go away, shouldn't have eaten that sushi." Louis mumbles.

"I told you not to, baby. Yet you were adamant about proving yourself to." He says. "I'm sorry." He grins and Harry chuckles before kissing his lips,

"Eww! Don't be disgusting." He scrunches his nose and Harry flicks his nose, "Shut up. You brushed your teeth. I'm making breakfast and then you are going to let me take care of you. Louis no arguments."

"I hate when you do that! Going all boss on me." He whines in complaint and Harry picks him up. Louis sniffles in Harry's neck, rubbing his cold nose along the length, and feels the man shivering,

"What do you want to have?" Harry asks adjusting his bum on the seat and he wiggles comfortably, "blueberry pancakes please." The taller one smiles and pecks his nose before preparing the batter.

As soon as the pancakes are on his plate he's stuffing his mouth, "Sho goof." He muffles through mouthfuls and Harry flicks his temple, "Don't talk with your mouthfuls and slow down." Louis sticks out his tongue but doesn't slow down,

He was hungry as fuck, he had emptied his stomach this morning till nothing was left, "I'm hungry!" He whines when Harry smirks at the fifth pancake he finished, "Eat, baby. I don't mind you know. Just slow down a bit okay you'll choke on it."

"I love to get choked, you of all people should know that." He smirks and watches Harry's face falling, his green eyes darkening, "Don't do that puppet." He all but growls and Louis innocently shrugs, "Just saying facts, 'arry." He knows what he's doing, he's using the tone he uses when he wants to get fucked.

Harry grumbles out when one pancake burns he flips it in the bin and makes another one, "You're not going to work today. You're sick."

"I am going!, please Harry I really have nothing to do all day." He mumbles. 

"No youre staying home." Harry states calmly. Louis huffs but knows he'll have to listen to his boyfreind.

"Okie. Kiss please." He asks and Harry removes two pancakes for him before rounding the table and gripping his neck for a kiss, "Polite little brat." He mumbles and gives his boy Eskimo kisses, who giggles sharp teeth on display,

"You love me though. Say it." Harry hums and kisses his cheek, "I love you."

"I know everyone does." He cheekily replies and Harry smacks his arse, "Let me eat my breakfast, and let's have a shower." Harry agrees and makes more pancakes. Harry sits down with louis and eats with him.

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