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A/n Okayyyyyyy. So this is a long chapter so buckle up!!!

Context: Harry is a pirate Captain and Louis is his cabin boy. Shaw, Harry's enemy, takes his lover in the middle of the night, demanding he hands over a map. Harry doesn't so Shaw takes Louis away. Louis suffers for months. When Harry and Shaw meet in battle again, Louis is a whole new person. He fights Harry but turns on Shaw. After the enemy's death, Louis demands to be set free and leaves for a while. He comes back healed and forgiving and he and Harry spend the rest of their lives together as happy as ever.


Harry's eyes widen when he sees the boy he loved more than anything. It had been 10 months since his boy had been taken from him. Harry had almost given up all hope and was about to give in to the thought that Louis was dead.

"Louis" the name falls from Harry's lips. They stare at each other. Louis's blade pressed into Harry's neck, but Harry wasn't afraid, Louis was his, and he could kill him if he so desired.

Instead of gliding the blade across Harry's neck, Louis takes the blade away and whips around towards his captor.

Louis takes the old pirate by surprise, bringing his foot up and kicking in between his legs, causing Shaw to fall onto his knees with a loud shout. Louis stabbed him in the side

"You bastard! I should have slit your throat the moment I laid my hands on you" Shaw shouts. He coughs and spits blood onto the deck.

Louis lets out a dark chuckle. "Yes, you should have."

"Here. he's yours," Louis says and steps back from the dying pirate.

Shaw is unable to respond and Harry is in front of him. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment," Harry says lowly.

Styles clutches the dagger in his hand and thrust his hand forward, the sharp blade digging deep into Shaw's stomach. Shaw's mouth hangs open, eyes widening in realization.

Blood spills from the pirate's mouth, his pupils shrinking. Death was only seconds away. Louis watches as all life vanishes from Shaw's body, s breath of relief leaving his lips.

Harry turns around and runs to him, grabbing his wrist but Louis yanks his hand away and backs up. "Don't touch me" he speaks with finality. The pain in Harry's eyes is no mistake.

Harry shakes his head. "Please. Don't deny me this easily."

Louis laughs, "It was easy for you to let me go many months ago. It doesn't feel good getting the same treatment now does it?"

"I just want to explain..."

"Explain what?" Louis mocks "Be careful Captain Styles, or your crew will see you showing favors to the cabin boy" Louis snarls.

Tears fall down Harry's cheeks, his voice cracking. "They know, and even if they didn't, I still wouldn't care. Because I do not care now."

"Don't-" Styles takes a step back. Unable to grasp Louis's cold behavior towards him.

"Look. You got what you wanted. Shaw is now dead. He did not get your stupid map. Leave me alone."

"Please, I just- wait," Harry stumbles on his word while he reaches for the map in his back pocket. "See," He says as he rips the map into pieces, "I don't want it."

Louis snorts, "Now you don't. It mattered more than my life a few months ago. The fact that I am still alive is no thanks to you. Even though I tried so hard to get through to you before, it wasn't enough for you, never enough.

"I-I do lo-"

"Just stop with your excuses. I have heard more than I care. I only need one thing from you"

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