Be discreet

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Context: Louis is the CEO of his huge company, and Harry is his newlywed husband.

Louis groans as his phone ring loudly with his alarm. He fumbles to turn off the alarm. When he manages to turn off the annoying alarm. He tightens his grip on his husband, not wanting to get up.

Harry stirs and a low whine comes from him. Louis kisses his lips softly. "Morning my love" Louis murmurs.

Harry's eyes open and meet Louis's. "Good morning" Harry smiles

"I have to get up now," Louis says and Harry pouts. "I wish you didn't," he says back. "Me either. I want to stay in bed with you all day" Louis sighs.

Louis lets go of his husband and sit up, rubbing his eyes. Harry sits up too. "Shower?" Louis asks turning his head to Harry.

Harry smiles and nods, standing up. They walk into the bathroom together and Louis turned on the shower. They undress and step in, hot water cascading down onto them.

They take their time in the shower, washing each other, and kissing. They dried off and changed and then went downstairs the eat breakfast.

"I hate that you're gone all day," Harry says as he spoons cereal into his mouth. "I'm so lonely all the time". 

"I'm sorry baby" Louis smiles sadly. "How about I schedule you into my very busy day today, you can have lunch with me?" Louis suggests. Harry's eyes light up and he smiles.

"Yes yes yes. I would like that so much!" Harry grins. "Ok then. I'll make sure you get in" Louis smiles and kisses Harry's cheek.

"I love you," Louis says and Harry kisses him on the lips. "I love you too," he says against his lips.

Reluctantly, Louis pulls away and gets up, putting his bowl in the sink.

"I need to go," Louis says looking at the time on his phone.

"Okay. Drive safe." Harry says.

"Bye Haz" Louis calls from the hallway. "Bye," Harry calls back. Harry heard the front door close and he sighs.

Harry wastes the day away by watching television and cleaning. Soon he gets a text for Louis.

Louis: lunch break is in 20. Come now.

Harry smiles and replies

Harry: On my way!

Harry grabs his car keys and hips in his car. The drive is about fifteen minutes. He parks and walks into the giant building: he heads up to the top floor and comes to the front desk.

Diana, Louis's personal assistant sat behind the desk fiddling with the computer. She looks up and gives Harry a warm smile.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson," she says. "Hi, Diana," Harry says. She presses a button on her desk phone. "Sir your husband is here," she says, and immediately Harry hears Louis's voice telling her to let him in.

Harry walks towards Louis's office and opens the door. Louis is sitting on his chair going through some documents. He looks up and smiles. "Hi baby," he says and Harry blushes. "Hi," he says back.

Louis stands up and wraps his arms around Harry's waist, kissing him roughly. Louis rubs himself against Harry and Harry reacts immediately to Louis's touch.

"Lou?" Harry breathes out. "I miss you" Louis breathes hotly into Harry's ear, grinding harder. "Harry lets out a chocked moan.

"Lou, there are people, someone could hear, or come in!" Harry says nervously. Louis sucks on Harry's neck and digs his fingers into Harry's ass. "No one will come unless I say so, plus this office is practically soundproof. I could murder you and no one would hear you scream" Louis smirks and grinds harder.

Harry lets out a laugh, buts it quickly turns into a gasp when Louis slips his hand into Harry's pants and strokes Harry's dick. His breathing quickens and he pulls on Louis's hair.

"Lou" he whines. "Shh" Louis murmurs against Harry's neck. "I wanna fuck you. I wanna sit in my chair while you ride me" Louis says and Harry moans.

"I-is that okay?" Louis asks, stepping back. "Yes," Harry nods frantically.

Harry goes for Louis's pants, pulling the zipper down and pulling his pants down to his knees. Louis boxers go next. Louis sits down on his chair and looks up at his husband. He licks his lips.

Harry gets his pants off as well so he's naked from the waist down.

Harry turns around to his ass and is facing Louis and he sits down. "There's lube in that drawer," Louis says pointing to one of the drawers on his desk. Harry leans over and pens it, grabbing the small bottle and a condom.

"Don't wanna make a mess in here" Harry smirks as he rolls the condom on his hard dick. Louis kisses Harry's back.

"Okay lift" Louis orders, tapping Harry's hips. He lifts his hips up and Louis applies the lube to his dick. Harry then slowly slides down. They both let out a blissful moan when Harry sits flush on his lap.

Louis rolls his chair closer to the desk and presses a button on the phone. "Diana can you please order us lunch, we don't mind what it is. Thank you" Louis says. Diana comes through the line saying she was on it.

"Move," Louis says. Harry grips the chair arms and starts to rock his hips back and forth.

Louis grunts. Harry rocks harder taking Louis deeper. When Louis grazes his prostate Harry moans and starts to bounce.

Louis thrusts up into Harry hard, jolting him in his lap. Harry groans and rests his head against Louis's. Their mouths brush Hainaut each other's not kissing, just panting into each other's mouths.

Harry grips Louis's shoulders and fucks himself harder on Louis's dick.

All of the sudden there was a knock on the door. Harry freezes and his blood runs cold. Louis leans into him and whispers in his ear "be discreet".

"Louis! Don't!" Harry hisses. Louis smirks against his ear. He starts to gently thrust up into him, not enough not to jolt him but just enough to get him to come. Harry is about to say something again when Louis tells whoever is outside to come in.

Harry's heart rams against his chest, his cheeks flushing a deep red.

Diana comes in holding two bags of Chinese takeout. Diana smiles at them walking towards the desk. Louis rolls the chair closer to the desk to hide where they were connected.

Diana places the food on Louis's desk. "Thank you Diana" Louis smiles. "Of course sir," Diana says and walks out closing the door.

Harry lets out a heavy breath. "What the fuck Louis!" Harry groans. Louis chuckles.

"Relax baby she didn't know a thing. It just looks like you're sitting on my lap." Louis grins.

"Not cool!" Harry huffs. Louis smiles and nibbles on Harry's ear, thrusting up into him harder. Harry gasps.

Harry starts to roll his hips again. They quickly get back into their rhythm.

"I'm close" Harry pants. "Same" Louis replies. Just a few minutes later and both boys are coming hard.

Harry pants hard resting against Louis's chest. "Up you go sweetheart" Louis murmurs. Harry starts to stand up wincing when Louis's soft dick slips out of him.

Louis holds him steady. Harry leans down to grab his pants. Louis leans in and kisses Harry's cheeks.

"Don't get dressed yet" Louis tells him. Harry nods and lets go if his pants. "Lean over the desk" Louis orders and Harry obeys.

Louis spreads Harry's cheeks and licks a stripe against Harry's hole, taking his come that was seeping out of Harry's hole.

Harry gasps and whines, griping the desk hard.

Louis takes his time eating out his boyfriend, making sure that there's no come left.

Louis leaned back with a grin. Harry stands back up and puts his pants back on. Turning around to look at Louis.

Harry chucks the condom into Louis's bin and Louis stands up and pulls his pants back up. They smile at each other. "Let's eat," Louis says. Harry opens the takeout.

They eat together. Louis kisses Harry's cheek and lovingly rubs his thumb over Harry's hand.

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