Take care of

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Context: Harry is a pirate and captain of the ship, Louis was bought by him and his life was spared at the price of working on Harry's ship, Harry takes a liking to him and they quickly fall in love.


"Mate you look like shit," Zayn says.

"I feel like shit" Louis mumbles, head in his hands.

The ship rocks, adding to Louis's nausea. Louis groans trying to hold back from throwing up.

Liam, the second in command comes into the room. He kisses Zayn and looks sympathetically toward Louis. He then starts to fiddle with his fingers nervously.

"Hey Louis, I know you're sick but... uh well the Captain wants you in his cabin, needs you to clean," Liam says.

Furry ignites in Louis's stomach. That fucker! He goddam knows I'm sick!

"I can't I'm sick!" Louis groans. The is a pause of silent before Liam clears his throat.

"H-he says he doesn't care," Liam says wearily.

Louis's eyes darken and his first clench. I can't believe I thought I would be any different to him, god, I'm so stupid!

"You know what, suddenly I'm feeling better. Where's the bucket and rag?" Louis grunts getting up. He was going to give that piece of shit a piece of his mind, or more like fists.

"I'm really sorry Louis" Liam tries to sympathize.

"Whatever" Louis grumbles and slips out of the room. He drags the bucket all the way to Style's cabin. Having to stop a few times from being dizzy or to not throw up.

He finally makes it to Style's door and opens it. Harry is sitting at his desk looking at some papers. Harry looks up and smiles when he sees Louis. Louis scowls at him.

Louis drops the bucket on the ground, some water splashing over the edge. Louis stands there and glares at the Captain.

"Come here," Harry says standing up. Louis huffs but complies.

"You're a real tosser you know that!" Louis says, scowling.

"Take your shoes off," Harry says completely ignoring Louis.

Louis furrows his brows but he does as he's told. Then Harry grabs the blankets on his bed and throws them to the side. "Get in," Harry tells him.

"That's not cleaning," Louis says now confused.

"you're not doing any cleaning," Harry tells him.

"What? Why?" Louis furrows his brows.

"You're sick," Harry says like Louis is dumb. Louis opens his mouth but nothing comes out.

"C'mon get in," Harry says.

Louis sighs and climbs up on the bed. Harry puts the covers over the sick boy. "Rest" Harry murmurs brushing the fringe out of Louis's eyes and kissing his forehead.

Louis snuggles into the warm comfortable bed and closes his eyes. He feels the bed dip from Harry's weight. Then he feels his finger in his hair, moving them around. It felt so good. The last time Louis had a head run was by his mother before his father sold him.

Louis quickly falls asleep.

When he wakes again Harry isn't on the bed anymore. Louis slowly sits up and looks around. A metal tub was now in the middle of the room, full of water. Harry had a few fingers in the water, swirling them around.

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