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Louis wakes up to an empty bed, a frown on his face. He was not in a good mood at all.

He sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes. He groans and opens his eyes.

Why the fuck was it so bright?

He huffs and throws the covers off himself, his small feet padding into the bathroom.

He turns on the shower and brushes his teeth as he waits for it to warm up.

He showers and dried off, getting dressed into a tank top and shorts.

He makes his way to the kitchen, a scowl on his face.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he heard Harry's soft voice in the kitchen.

He doesn't say anything, just opens the fridge and grabs the orange juice. He grabs a glass from the cupboard and fills it, taking a sip. He leans against the counter, glass in hand.

"What's wrong Lou?" Harry asks, turning away from the stove and looking at him intentively. He could tell his husband was in a bad mood and he wanted to cheer him up.

"I hate the sun" Louis huffs. Harry chuckles turning to the stove where he was cooking eggs. He knows Louis is in a bad mood this morning.

"You're the sun Loubear" Harry grins but Louis frowns. He hates that nickname.

"Don't be cheesy" Louis rolls his eyes

"I'm making breakfast and then going out for some groceries," Harry tells him, Louis nods and sits at the island.

Harry gingerly gives him a plate, and Louis digs in, not waiting for his husband.

Harry cleans up and Louis just follows him around the house while he gets ready.

"Lou I'm going out now you don't want to come, it will be boring," Harry tells him, putting on his shoes.

Louis scowls and scoffs. "Fuck you Styles I do whatever I want" Louis sasses and puts on a pair of shoes.

Harry chuckles and shakes his head. "It's Tomlinson now" Harry mumbles under his breath. Louis shrugs and grabs his hand as they walk outside.

The car ride is silent, besides Harry's quiet singing to the radio. Louis looks out the window, watching the world speed by. He doesn't let go of his husband's hand at all. Harry's thumb lightly brushing across his hand.

They walk around the store Louis tagging behind.

"Baby can you go down there and grab the tea you like, I need to get more eggs," Harry asks him.

Louis grumbles out a reply slowly making his way down the aisle, looking for his favorite tea.

Once he finds it he looks for Harry again, finding him in the pasta. He drops the box of tea into the cart.

They walk around the store for a while, Harry grabbing all sorts of things.

Louis huffs "this date is boring"

Harry looks at him with furrowed brows. "This isn't a date."

"Then why did you invite me?" Louis raises an eyebrow.

Harry grins and shakes his head. "I specifically said 'don't come with me' and you said 'fuck you Styles I do whatever I want' and followed me here."

Louis stays silent his feet padding lightly behind Harry's.

"I want to go on a date," Louis says

"Louis! We can't, I have a shit ton of groceries I need to bring back home!" Harry exclaims as they wait in line at the register.

Larry smut and POVs (mostly smut)Where stories live. Discover now