Last Words from Author

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Copy-pasted from Announcements


It's... been a while since I came/checked on this account haha
Hope everyone has been doing alright.
But I'll cut to the chase...
I do not think I will be very active here anymore. I will come back here every bluemoon or so to see what's going on, but other than that, nothing really. 

As for the stories, I will be discontinuing all of them (Humming Bird Wings and TTC).
The reason why I am discontinuing these projects is because:
1) I have no more motivation. I know I've been pushing myself to finish at least of them, but I don't think I can...
2) I have little to no time. It's mainly because I cannot manage my own time and I'm trying to fix that-
3) Both stories (mainly TCC) is very, very old and outdated. The story started in S7... we're in S9 now. I think...
4) I actually had no idea what the hell I was doing AHAHAH-

I may, however, come back this summer or so and try to republish TCC as a new/different story. I may mush the concept of Humming Bird Wings together with the plot line, and I may make the story shorter and easier to finish/read.
But that's all just a maybe.

You all have been an amazing audience, thank you for reading my stories.
I wish you all the best

- Wheat

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