The Nethend Lands

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Seconds, minutes, hours, days... They were traveling for a long time, long enough to get to the Far Lands.

"Remind me why we came to the Far Lands?" False asked, dragging her diamond sword behind her.

Iskall stared at her, "Really?"

False looked up for a moment before answering, "I know we're here to get stuff to save Grian, but what were we here for?"

"A few buttons and levers encased in Seal of Bindings and a Century Clock." Xisuma answered, "We should be looking for a Pillar because there's a chance of one spawning here."

"But shouldn't we get Seal of Bindings first?" Iskall asked, "If we get more than we need, we can put some on our armor and weapons."

False smiled, "Smart dissension, Iskall. I agree with him."

Xisuma processed this for a moment before pulling out an Eye of Ender and chucking it into the air. It floated around for a while before flying North-west. Iskall, Xisuma and False started to pick up their pace, eager to find another Ender Portal. After a long chase, the Eye of Ender started to float down to the ground.

"Already?" False asked, eyebrows raised, "Shouldn't it take longer?"

Iskall nodded and pulled out another Eye of Ender, he threw it into the air and it also floated down. He tried it again, just to be extra sure it was the correct area. It was the correct area. They all pulled out their diamond shovels and pickaxes, hacking away the earth underneath them.

"I FOUND IT!" Xisiuma cried, throwing his arms up.

"Really? Iskall! X found it!" False cried, calling him over.

"Okay, okay, we have a flint and steel, right?" Xisuma asked.

False fished around her pocket and pulled out a half-used flint and steel. "Yup!"

"Okay, I have 6 obsidian blocks, we need 10 more..."

"I got 5."

"5 in mine."

"Great! 16 blocks," Xisuma cheered, "all we need to do is get ready to fight some mobs and encase the activated portal in obsidian, and light it!"

"Um... one problem, the End is only a one-way transportation, what if we need to fight a mob? A BIG one?" Iskall said.

"This is the NETHEND lands, not the End, Iskall. All we need to do is find a Weavers' Den!"

"Xisuma, you said that Weavers' Dens are rare though..." False retorted.

"Stop," X sighed, "stop poking holes in my plans, I'll figure this out as we go..."

Iskall and False exchanged glances and shrugged, hopping into the stronghold with X. All of them took out their weapons once their feet touched the ground, ready to fight any mobs. They stood there, waiting for a wave of mobs, but it never came...

"Huh, that's weird..." False mumbled, "We should get going then... Be on the look out for mobs though, just because we didn't see them, doesn't mean they can't see us."

"False has a point, anyways, on wards!" Iskall cheered.

They searched for a while for mobs and the portal, but hadn't found any.

"Where are the mobs? This isn't natural!" False cried.

"Hey, look on the bright side!" Xisuma said, "At least we won't die yet!"

Iskall nodded, he liked the fact that there isn't any mobs yet. It was a little fishy but it was still good. They kept searching and found the portal, but it was all ready activated.

"H-has someone been here already?" Iskall asked, he didn't want too find another End portal, it was a pain.

"Maybe, but then we wouldn't have to dig the Stronghold up. Besides, who could've owned this? None of the Hermits said anything about coming across another portal." Xisuma muttered to himself.

"Well, even if this already belongs to someone, they haven't been here for a long time." False muttered, hastily pulling out her obsidian, "We don't have time to waste!" 

Iskall appreciated the persistence that radiated from False, it kept his hopes up. Xisuma sighed and pulled out his obsidian blocks and placed it around the portal, then False slapped in hers, Iskall set down his and Xisuma took it from there. He grabbed the flint and steel from False and carefully lit the obsidian frame. 

The End portal snapped from an addicting swirl of stars to a more sickening swirl of neon purple and stars. (If you have trouble picturing that, just imagine the nether portal thing and slap in some green stars, then you got the image-Wheat) False went in first, then X. Iskall closed his eyes and took a deep breath before walking in. 


When Iskall opened his eyes, he nearly fainted at the sight of the scene. He was siting on a small island made of some kind of orange stone. Pillars of some sort of soul sand towered over him, pools of void were scattered everywhere. Specks of black and red floated around him like dust, the sky was a sickening light orange and black, eye-like stars looked down at him. He didn't want to open his eyes again, the sight of the biome burned Iskall's eyes, the mechanical one and the flesh one.

"You can open your eyes now, Iskall..." False soothed, putting a hand in his hair.

Iskall sighed and opened his mechanical eye slowly, taking in the scene one at a time. Soon he opened his other eye, the coldness stung his eye a little but he soon adapted to it. He stood up and looked at Xisuma, who was sitting on the floor, and sighed.

"So, X, we're here. Now what?" Iskall asked the bee man.

X sighed, "All we need to do is look for a Weavers' Den." 

"Well," False said, "Can we have a description?"

"They are found on platforms in big caves, they are usually made from silk or string or thread. Some times all, they should be fairly big, about eight times the size of a villager's house."

"Okay... that wouldn't be too hard to find..." False said.

Iskall nodded and pointed to an island close to them, "We should start searching on big islands, the bigger the island, the bigger the cave!"

"One problem, the Weavers' Den is in the heart of the biome, and we're far from that. I already checked the coordinates..." X sighed, looking down and kicking a pebble of the edge. It tumbled down into the abyss before bursting into flames. Iskall shuddered, that looked like a painful way to go.

"Is there any other things we should know? Like other mobs?" False asked, her gaze fixed on the 'horizon'.

"Um... Weavers are protected by a lot of Stalkers, which are basically spiders and endermen combined." Xisuma explained, "We also should be looking for some arcane ores, they are found near the heart of the Nethend lands."

"X, how do you know these things?" Iskall blurted out, tearing his gaze from the void below.

"It's called studying, Iskall. We should do that every now and then." X said simply.

They took out their ender pearls and chucked it into the air, exchanging a glance before poofing away. If they had stayed longer, they might've never come back.


Oooooooooo, cliffhanger... kk, I'm back, after being very lazy and working on a few animation projects. Um... I put a lot of effort into this, it is longer than what I'm use to, but if you like it and enjoyed it,  I'm glad that you did. Progression may be a little slower but I'm still working on this, don't worry. Kk, love ya'll.


I updated a bit of the grammar and made the dialogue a bit more flashy. I'm almost done with the newest chapter though. :>


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