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Future Grian

He flopped onto the snowy beams that held back the water with a strange magical source. Grian panted and leaned on himself, trying hard to regain his breath. That's when he heard another voice. His head snapped up and his golden-brown hair whipped his face when he did that. Was someone else here?

"Tuartis! NO! you can't just dig straight down!" 

Huh, so Tuartis is here with someone else.

"No! You only said that I owned this area, but you didn't say how far I could go down, Grian!"

Grian. Grian, Grian, Grian, Grian, Grian, Grian, Grian, Grian. He was with Tuartis.

Grian peeked over the ledge, there he was, Grian himself. He took a moment to process what was happening. He looked up and yelped at the sight of two hollow white eyes.


Past Grian

"What? Grian, did you hear that?" Tuartis asked, looking up from his digging.

"Heard what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tuartis looked around then shrugged, "Nothing, I'm probably just hallucinating."


Future Grian

He blinked, then it was gone. He backed away from the ledge fearfully.

"Hey there, be careful. I don't want you to fall into the water and drown." A hollow voice hissed.

Grian yelped again and turned around, there it was again, the floating white eyes. Except, this time it wasn't floating, it was surrounded by some sort of black smoke.

"Be quiet! Your past self can hear you!" the eyes hissed again.

Grian shook his head, he must be hallucinating. When he looked up, it was still there.

"Who are you- no what are you?" Grian snapped.

"First, let's go somewhere more private and quiet, then I'll tell you." The thing chimed.

Grian glared at the floating, black mass. "No, I'd like to know what you are first."

The mass winced, "Okay, but please be more quiet... you're going to do a lot of damage to time if you're going to do that." the black smoke floated down to the snow, "I'm Curse-"

Grian backed away from the smoke, "You-you're a curse?!" He stuttered.

"No, no, no, my name is Curse," the thing explained, "I'm a Mindvisitor. Basically a guardian only you can see and hear, you might know us by the name 'gut instinct' or 'spirit animal'. But seriously, do you humans have to call us something as gross as 'gut instinct'? It's kinda mean."

Grian stifled a laugh, "Oh, okay. How come I only know about you now?"

"Well, you're pretty lucky to see me now... most only see us when they're at the edge of death. Some never even see us. But to answer you're question, it has to do with your potential and how great it is. Plus, you're magic, so I wouldn't be surprised if you could see me this early."

Grian thought for a moment, that was nice to know, "So, do you take a animal form?"

Curse nodded, "You see, yours is... interesting." soon, it morphed into a smoky hummingbird-winged cat, "This is you as an animal. I know, it's weird, but I don't mind. It's kinda cool. Now if we could go somewhere else?"

Grian nodded and followed the Humming-cat as it flied around the area. He smiled to himself as Curse settled on to of some mine carts at the top of his train station. He started the process of powering the rails and climbed into one of the mine carts before it took off.


WHATZ DIS?! Another chapter?! WOW. Anyways, I'm probably going to be away from Wattpad for awhile so here's an early chapter, your welcome. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and it's time for me to jump into animating, gooooooooood bye!

- Moondust

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