Sword Fights

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You: YAy Wheat's doing a Sword fight! Noice!

Me: AHAHAHAHAHAHAaAAaaaAAaAaaaaaaaaaaaa... I'm probably gonna die a lot...

Also Me: Okay, let's get over thing...

(WARNING: Blood and cursing)



Grian just stared at himself, his past self. He wasn't like this, what happened? Grian just stood there, staring at the glitchy being. Then, Grian looked at the blade pointed square at his neck, he wanted to call Curse for help but they flew away for some reason. Grian's past self just said something that Grian would never understand, not long after, the sword raised and started coming at at him.

Grian pulled out his stone sword and blocked the diamond sword, Grian silently wished that he had an iron sword instead of the stone one he had. He tired to push the blue blade away but failed, he decided to drop it and roll away. He hit a tree nearby and scrambled to stand up, once he gained balance he was cornered. He was cornered by Taurtis, Zee, Solidarity and Mini... four of his friends are against him.

"P̷̖͗l̶̬̙͊e̶̫̐ͅa̸͕̮̚͝s̶̹͍̺̓͑͠e̷̜̊,̵̣͑͗̈́ ̷͕͇̳͗̿͌n̴̹͖̪͌͂o̴̫͈͠͝." Grian managed to get out, tears tracing his face.

Mini narrowed his eyes, "Why?"

Solidarity just pressed his shining blue blade closer to Grian neck while Taurtis, Zee and the other Grian watched. Taurtis was crying and covering his mouth with his hand while Zee was patting Taurtis's back, crying. The other Grian though, Past Grian looked almost... hollow, he showed no emotion in his eyes and was just staring blankly at Grian, still clutching his diamond blade.

Solidarity readied his blade and looked at Mini who also readied his sword. They raised it and then... Grian suddenly found his stone sword back in his hand. He raised his blade to block the two other blades, then he kicked one of the people cornering him. He didn't know who he kicked but he heard a yelp and some shouting, it pained him but he tried to let it not show. He tried.

Zee and Taurtis helped Solidarity who was down. Mini looked at Grian and smirked, he pretend to be injured as well, hissing every now and then while limping around. Grian set down his blade, he headed towards Mini to see if he was okay, only to get smacked by the blue blade and kicked back. Grian stumbled back and drawled his sword again.

The other Grian, the one that had a diamond blade, came charging in. He hit Grian's stone blade with such force it might as well break and crumble to the ground. Mini tried to get in some hits too but couldn't due to the battle wagging between the two Grians. Stone against diamond, the clangs and clash of the fight ranged out.

Past Grian struck down onto Grian's stone blade, they held that position for about five seconds until Grian pushed the diamond blade away, putting a foot behind the other Grian's foot. Past Grian stumbled backwards and nearly tripped, using his other foot to keep his balance. Then, an iron sword on half durability landed in Grian's hands, Grian looked around to see Curse flying away again, probably looking for more stuff for G to use. Past Grian took advantage of this moment and charged at the other Grian, only to be stopped by hands and arms.

Grian watched as Mini, Taurtis and Zee tried to hold his past self back. Solidarity leaning on his blade, huffing. Grian reached up and wiped the crimson liquid from his face, he hadn't realized that he had gotten cuts from the sword fight until now. Then there was shouting and a lot of reasoning and questioning, turns out Grian was trying to get out of everyone's grip.

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