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WARNING! Contains a lot of gore and stuff, so you might not wanna read it if you don't like dat stuff... 

ANYWAYS, here's the cursed chapter:



Mumbo was nervous, he didn't want to sleep, he didn't need to sleep. He laid there on the bed, thinking about the useless books he read all night, his eyes felt heavy. Before he knew it, his eyes had closed and he was far away from consciousness. 


He was falling. Falling, falling, falling. Where was Mumbo falling? He doesn't know, it appeared to be the void, he was waiting to take damage and respawn back at the lone island- but it never came. Falling, falling, falling. Suddenly, he hit a floor. But the void doesn't have a floor! Mumbo sat up and looked around curiously, nothing was here besides himself.

Then, a light flickered on, revealing a snow-white fox with endless black eyes. It was looking at him, wagging it's fluffy tail back and forth. Mumbo gingerly walked towards it, it did nothing, still kept wagging it's tail and looking forwards. Once he was face to face with the strange little fox he realized the fox wasn't looking at him, but beyond him. 

Mumbo turned around curiously but saw nothing, he turned back to the fox only to see it staring lifelessly at the void. Blood oozing down from it's eyes and a very menacing looking bite planted right on it's neck. Mumbo stared horrifically at the figured and backed up from it, once he started to back away from the dead fox, he tripped on something and fell.

A yelp sounded when he came in contact with another figure, Mumbo whipped his head around to see Grian.

"Oh my word, Grian, you scared me." Mumbo engulfed the short builder in a tight hug.

Grian pushed Mumbo away from him, "I'm sorry, have we met before?"

"Yes we-" Mumbo stopped himself when he saw a small boy wearing a green hoodie. "H-how? But- Grian? What?"  Mumbo stammered.

"How do you know my name?" the figure asked with questioning blue eyes.

Mumbo whipped his head from the boy to the fox behind him. Once he looked back at the confused boy, it was no longer a boy, in fact, it was an endermen. It screeched in rage and charged towards Mumbo. He put his arms above his head as he waited for the painful clawing of the enraged tall being. Instead he felt fur.

How is there fur? What kind of nonsense is this? Mumbo asked himself.

He opened his eyes to see that his arms were covered in ghostly white fur. Mumbo stared questioningly at his arms, then scanned his surroundings. He was in a plains biome, sheep and cows roaming around aimlessly.

He heard howling, a lot of howling. He snapped his focus to a pack of wolves across a river. They were growling at him, but Mumbo hadn't even seen a wild wolf in season seven, so why were the wolves mad at him? 

Before he could find out why the wolves were growling at him, a grey wolf lunged itself towards Mumbo. It snapped it's jaws at him and bit down on something not that far from him. Pain shot through the tall redstoner, he whipped his head around to face the single wolf that bit him. A tail was in it's jaws, since when did Mumbo have a tail?!

He tucked on the (slightly bloody) tail and whimpered when the pain only got worse. Two brown wolves snarled at him and lunged themselves at him. Soon, the whole pack of wolves were on him, snapping at him and biting him. Then a wolf with a silver pelt jumped towards him, landing a painful bite on his neck. He coughed up a large amount of blood and looked up at the demotic dogs, only to find none.

He was terribly thirsty so he tried walking towards the river on two fragile legs but due to all the injures, he collapsed halfway and cried out in pain. The rest of the way there, he'd been crying painful tears. Once he arrived at the river, he reached out a hand to scoop at least a little water then stopped, his hand were replaced with red paws and his reflection was strange.

He stared in disbelief at his own reflection, he was the the ghost fox he saw in the void. The "tears" he was crying was blood and every wound was bleeding, his mind began to fog up in panic. Before Mumbo fainted, he saw single cat. A cat with grey and white fur and green eyes, it was Jellie. Then everything went black.


Big announcement!!! I just wanted to thank NoCopyrightSounds for keeping me entertained while writing this insane chapter, so go check that out! Also, I changed the cover, hope ya'll like it. Also, also, I just found out this (stupid and weird) story just gotz over 225 reads! THANKS GUYS! So, if you got any questions, please tell me, I'd be honored to answer them >w<. Anyways, thank you so, so much for tuning in, but now I gotta tune out, byeeeeeeeee. (BTW, I edited the chapter TWICE so there wasn't any misspelled words or something-)

The Time Traveler's Curse || DISCONTINUEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz