You are not unwanted.

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*Reishi's POV.**

A month passed since she arrived in our house. The girl I saved from drowning in the river. She has brown locks. Her eyes were hazelnut brown. Her skin was pale and she's skinny. There were some bruises on her body when I found her. Did she get those before I found her? That's what I thought to myself.

But when she woke up, we tried to ask her but she can't remember anything at all. Even the day she almost drowned in the river. We gave her a name since she can't even remember her own name. She's now Hana. Mother decided to keep her in until she recovers. We already send a report to the police regarding her and in case someone looks for her, they can easily find her.

She's not talking that much since she woke up. All she does is respond by nodding. She barely eats and screams most of the time in the middle of the night. I know I told her that I'd save her but how. I don't even know where to start and from whom to save her.

"Hana, here's your food." I entered her room and put the food on top of her table. She wont leave her room, its as if she's scared of the outside world. After I placed her plate on the table, she just looked at it and then to me. I stared back because that's all she ever do. After seconds of staring at each other, she averted her eyes back to the windows. "Thank you." She talked for the first time. "uhmm..." I was speechless because it is the first time I ever heard her talk. "Yeah..Not a problem"

Before I left her room, I looked back at her. She's still staring outside the window. "I wonder what she thinks about," It's what I think all the time whenever I see her staring outside the window. Then I slowly closed the door and left her there.

One day,I was trimming the flowers in our garden,the family's business. I saw her, Hana, was watching from the window. She was staring at the flowers that I was trimming. I can see some glitters from her eyes and it seemed liked these plants caught her attention. So I shouted. "Do you like these flowers?" Her eyes widened and she just nodded. "Then come down from there. It wont hurt to come out once in a while."

After that, I was able to get her come out from her room. But I feel like she's still hesitant in going out. "What's the matter Hana?" She just looked at me with scared eyes and took a gulp. I opened the door from the backyard. I can see the mixed emotions and feelings from her face. She's excited and at the same time she's scared. I placed my hands on her shoulders and assured her. "It's okay. There's nothing to be scared of. I'm right here beside you." She looked at me and gulped then nodded.

Upon seeing the backyard full of flowers and plants that the family is growing, she was at awe. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked and she just nodded excitedly. Then we stepped out on the backyard. She ran towards the flowers that she was looking at earlier. "Those are daisies" She smiled at me and she seemed very happy.

She kept on watching the flowers since that day. She now smiles a lot and I think she's having fun. Her screams at night lessened and she's having a good appetite in eating. One night, I suddenly woke and felt like I wanted to drink some water. So I went down to get a glass of water, I noticed that the door to our backyard is wide open. I walked towards the door quietly and when I reached the door, I took a peak. There I saw Hana, standing in the middle of the flowerbed. She was looking up to the moon that is round and bright.

I think she haven't noticed but me. The wind suddenly blew and its kind of freezing, we might catch a cold if we stay long here. So I tried to approach Hana but suddenly I bumped into something. I touched it and it emitted some light. "Is this some kind of a barrier?" I exclaimed. Hana tilted her head upon hearing me and her eyes were totally different. I stared at her and it send chills down my spine. "Hana? What's wrong?" I tried to ask but she didn't respond.

I got push back when the barrier suddenly became bigger. The flowers within the barrier started to wither. "Hana!! Stop it!! What's wrong?!" She faced me and said something only I can hear. "Save me..."

Then my parents and my brother woke up. "Reishi! Hana!" My mom exclaimed. "I need to save her." Hana crouched down and held her head. Then the barrier started to weaken and I took the chance to break into it. The barrier was still strong and its giving me bruises. I finally reached Hana. "Hana, calm down. Its me, Reishi," I reached for her and knelt down in front of her. "Hana, It's okay. Just calm down." I put my arms around her and hugged her really tight.

"I think I remember now why I was on that river." She said as she continue to sob. "I was unwanted. I was end everything..." I even hugged her tight. I felt her pain. I can feel her agony. At the very young age she's experiencing all these. Away from her family. Feeling unwanted. And almost died. "You are not unwanted Hana. Remember, we are your family now. And remember I will save you no matter what right?" I said.

She kept crying that whole night. My parents are also worried about her because its not really easy to be in her situation. I stayed beside her in her room all night till morning. I hardly slept because she might start crying again. This little girl that is so fragile. Her emotions are overflowing with pain. That night, I felt like I'm hurting too whenever she's like that.

The next morning, she was gone on her bed. "Hana?" I stood up immediately and ran down the stairs. My parents and my brother were all in the dining area all sad and gloomy. "Mom, where's Hana?" I asked. But they didn't reply. They didn't give me any answers. So I ran towards the door and went out. I saw several vans outside. There are people who are wearing cloaks and a bunny mask. "The Usagi's?" I went back inside and asked them. "Why the Usagi's are here?"

"Reishi." My mom stated. She walked towards me and placed her hands on my shoulders. "Hana is gone. They already took her." My eyes widened and my heart started to beat rapidly. "Why? Where are they taking her?" But my mom just shook her head. They didn't know where they are going to take her. My father explained me what happened. Since the power that she release last night is too strong. They detected her existence. And the Usagi's came right away to get her because according to them her powers could cause trouble. Her power is too strong that Color Clans may come after her and everyone around her might get harmed. Hana decided to herself to come with the Usagi in order to save us.

I just don't understand. Why would she leave? She's safe here. I know I can protect her. But why? Hana...



Hello everyone!! Thank you so much for your continued support and patience for my updates. Its just that I've been a bit busy lately. So I don't have much time to update my stories. But here you go, the continuation of "That Forgotten Promise."

Please enjoy. Comments and Feedback are very much appreciated.

I really like to hear your thoughts about my works. So that I'll know how it is. Thank you in advance.

That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant