Is that bad?

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"I like you Munakata-san..."

Nanami can feel her heart beating. The silence between them were awfully deafening. Seconds and seconds Munakata didn't respond nor faced Nanami back. That minute was like the longest minute of her life waiting for his answer.

"As I thought..." Munakata started. "Do you understand what you're saying right now Nanami?" He asked. Nanami was in a complete surprise by Munakata's response. "You're only saying that because you have realized who I was and who you were in your life." Then he faced Nanami with his arms crossed on his chest and walked pass through her.

"No... It's not like that Munakata-san... I really..." She got cut off. "You know, Nanami, I understand how you feel..." He said. "But this feeling you have... Is something common for kids like you... Having someone around whose matured... Is really gonna make you feel attracted... Infatuated... A foolish admiration to someone else..."

Nanami faced him and can't believe what she's hearing. "If you'll excuse me. I'm going to bed Nanami." Then he walked up the single stair before he reaches the door, Nanami spoke. "It might be just a foolish admiration for you, but for me... It's not. I have fallen deeply in love with you. Even before I knew I was Hana." Tears started to fall from her eyes. Her cheeks all red and shoulder's shaking. "Munakata-san... I really really love you..." She hung her head low trying to suppress all her tears.

Munakata didn't move from where he's standing. "Go to bed... We'll leave early tomorrow." And he entered the house without answering Nanami. "Munakata-san..." She cried. The feelings she cherished so much. The person whom she decided to love. Crushed. Broken. Hopeless. These are what's running in Nanami's mind. Tears were flowing like endless stream. Sobs won't stop. And she felt like a big hole was left in her chest.


The next morning, the Munakatas are having breakfast silently. There was this awkward atmosphere between the two guests, Reisi and Nanami.

"So you'll be heading back now to the city Reisi?" The father asked. "Yes father. We have a lot of things to do since the Slate is under our care." Reisi answered as he sip from his cup of tea. The mother faced Nanami and held her shoulders. "Feel free to come here Hana, I mean Nanami. This is your home. Okay?" Nanami smiled and hugged Reisi's mother. "I will... Mother."

After having breakfast, the two started to fix their stuff in their rooms. Nanami was still silent as she pack her things in the bag. Her silence got cut off when someone knocked in her room. She looked back and saw it was Reisi's older brother, Taishi. "Taishi-san..." She stood up from the bed and bowed. "Hahaha no need to be formal Hana-chan... You're making Onii-san feel his age." Nanami smiled a bit at his joke. He entered the room and sat in the chair in front of Nanami.

"I wasn't able to talk to you properly. But just let me say this..." Taishi placed his hands on her shoulders and smiled. "Welcome back and thank you. You may be feeling a bit out of place, but nothing has changed, Hana. The Hana we knew may be gone, but she's still a part of our family. And now that she's Kokujoji Nanami, still, nothing has changed. Hana, Nanami. They're just names." That time, their mother and father are standing by the door. "They were worried about you."

Nanami looked up them as they walk closer to her and she started to tear up until she couldn't hold it in anymore. "I'm home, big brother, Mother, Father. I'm home." They all just smiled at her. "That's right. You may forget us several times but your heart wont forget."

And they bid goodbye to the two, Nanami waving at them as the car goes. When the car is already far and they are out of sight, Nanami settled in her seat with a smile on her face. Reisi would gradually take a glimpse at her. "You seem happy." He stated as he focused back to the road. Nanami got a bit surprise and just looked down. The smile in her face wore down and looked at Munakata from the corner of her eyes. "Is that bad?" She softly answered and Reisi couldn't respond to that.

No words exchanged after that. They didn't talk to each other until they arrived at the Headquarters. Fushimi Saruhiko, Munakata's left hand man, approached him the instant he steppe down of the car. "Captain, we already contacted the Black Hound, Kuro. He agreed to meet you tomorrow." Munakata nodded and went inside. Fushimi just followed him by a stare and that got cut when Nanami walked in front him wearing a solemn face.

"Welcome back Captain how's your..." Awashima got cut off when Munakata just passed her by and didn't greet her. She got even more curious when she saw Nanami with a long face. "Something is wrong." She muttered.

That night, Awashima decided to visit Nanami in her room. She was surprised that the the girl was not in her room. "Where could she be?" She ran outside and went to Munakata's room. "Captain!" She shouted as she open the door. "Good evening, Awashima-kun... What's the matter?" Awashima huffing and then took a deep breath. "Nanami's not in her room. I can't find her anywhere." Munakata just looked at her then stood up from his desk. He walked towards the window sill and sighed.

"Aren't you worried about her, Captain?" Awashima asked but didn't get any response from the Captain. "Did something happen?" Munakata just looked at her with his stoic face. Knowing him for many years, even his face is as stoic as ever, she knew that something did happen. "She... Had stated... Her feelings..." Munakata sadly stated.

"What? Isn't that great? She finally told you how she felt, we all know that she has those feelings for you." Awashima gladly stated but Munakata remained silent. "What did you tell her..." Awashima asked.

"You know how I've been looking for her all these years. How I've searched for Hana. It just doesn't feel right is what I've felt the instant she confessed. And I think I've said harsh words to her." Munakata stated. Awashima is a bit surprise because Munakata was never an outspoken person. He never let anyone see this side of him. "Is that the reason why she's not her tonight?" Awashima asked. "Yeah, earlier, she stepped into my office and told me she's going back to Mihashira."

"And you just let her go?!" Awashima furiously asked Munakata. "I'm sorry Captain for raising my voice, but Nanami is like a sister to me already. She's not safe out there. What is wrong with you?" She stomped her fists on the desk. Munakata raised his eyeglasses and smirked. "I wonder what is wrong with me." Awashima bit her inner lip and suppresses her anger and just turned around. Before she steps out of the room she looked back to Munakata. "I can't believe you're doing this Captain. See her as a woman, even for once." And she left the room leaving Munakata deep in thought.

"I wanted to... But I can't..."

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That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now