What the heck

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Nanami's POV

"I'm glad you've woken up. Are you alright?" A silver haired young man welcomed me as I open my eyes. Last thing I remember, I was with that skater boy and Fushimi-san. "What happened?" I groggily asked and I tried to sit up. This person helped me sit up and he sat beside me and smiled. "Thanks. I think I'm alright now."

"Thank goodness you're alright." He sighed in relief knowing I'm all good. Who could this guy be? "Ah yeah I'm sorry I haven't introduced my self." He took my hand and I couldn't believe what he did next. "My name is Isana Yashiro. The Silver King aka Adolf K Weissman. But you can call me Shiro, my lady." And he kissed the back of my hand like a prince. I felt like my head's gonna blow and my face seems like heating up.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat by the door and when I looked over there I think I'm going to die this time. "Yashiro-kun... Excuse me. But we still have to talk about the Slate." It was Munakata-san and he saw Shirk kissed my hand. Shiro just smiled at me and then to Munakata-san. "Ah sorry about that Munakata-san. I'm just excited to meet Nanami." Then he stood up and smiled at me. "Let's have a chat in a bit okay?" And he winked at me then he first stepped out of the room.

Munakata-san was left and he was just looking at me. And I couldn't look him into his eyes. Its been a week since the day I confessed. "Blushing for a stranger. What a kid. And you have the guts to say that your feelings are different." He said and that made me snap. I stood up from my bed and furiously walked towards him. My moved on its own and my palm was about to hit his face but it was caught. He held my hands and slowly put it down. My shoulders were quivering from rage and anger. I can't believe that I let myself fall so deeply in love with this insensitive and cunning person.

"Insensitive and cunning is maybe what you're thinking right now. I'm just stating the fact." He stoically stated. I wasn't able to answer back and just held my tears. I don't want to break down in front of him or anyone anymore. He will never return these feelings that I have. "Nanami..." I was surprised that he placed his hands on my shoulders and he was talking in a much softer voice than before. Our eyes met and was glued for a moment there. His words are harsh yet his eyes are saying it differently. And suddenly he let go and stepped out of the room.

Maybe I shouldn't have confessed. Maybe I shouldn't have accepted these feelings. Maybe... I shouldn't have remembered who I am. I sat back to my bed and buried my face on my palm. He rejected me yet he's doing this. He wanted me to give up on him but why is that his words and voice are different than his actions. "What the heck?" Is all I could said and laid down back to my bed.


Yashiro's POV

"Let's have a chat in a bit, okay?" I said and winked at Nanami. As I step out of the room, Munakata-san's gaze at Nanami is still there. I headed am me in the hallway and after a few minutes he was walking behind me already. He's still the same calm and quiet Blue King but something is off from him. He was able to catch up with me from walking and he sighed.

"I apologize for causing so much trouble Yashira-kun. That kid is really troublesome." He said. "Its alright, Lieutenant have mentioned Nanami loads of time while he was with me in the Himmelreich. And I can pretty much imagine she's really a handful." I responded. Its true that Lieutenant have mentioned her not just mentioned but told stories about her. "She's pretty amazing I'd say." I added and Munakata-san got a bit surprised.

"She was healing the two earlier even though she knows that using her powers will take a toll on her body. She's brave enough to use large amount of power."

Munakata-san didn't respond and remained quiet. "I can sense that you are worrying about her. Is she special to you Munakata-san?" I asked. He stopped and when I looked back to him he was looking away and a faint tint of red dusted his cheeks. I smiled. "I see." I see... He likes her. I thought so.
"You know Munakata-san, its not I'm prying on someone else's business, but be honest with your own feelings at least once in a while." And I let a small chuckled that made him look away from me and blushed even harder.

Munakata's POV

Why do I have to be humiliated by this boy? As I look at this young boy, I can't believe he's the Silver King who knew everything about the Slate. And what's with his smile at me, he's cunning. "I don't know what you're talking about." I defended myself from him. And he just laughed. How did he make Nanami blush like that?

During the coffee table conference, its sad to hear that the Gold King had passed away. Leaving everything behind especially Nanami. She's not aware of this yet. If she learned about this, she'll definitely feel devastated. "I'll tell her personally." I lifted my head and looked over to Yashiro-kun. I was surprised with what he said.

The meeting has ended and I'm still lost in thought about what's going to happen next. I looked back and saw Yashiro-kun speaking with Nanami up in the balcony. Her shoulders are shaking and her eyes were holding in the tears. I unconsciously walked towards them but someone grabbed my shoulders and stopped me. "Captain, if you'll do this now, are you sure you're not going to back out? Things are confusing for her and especially now she's hurting the most." Awashima-kun asked.

Her question struck me really hard, I almost lost my focus. I have promised myself that until this war is over, I would distance myself from her. I clenched my fist and bit my inner lip. My fist is shaking. I wanted to go up there and comfort her. I wanted to go up there and hug her. I held my head to hide my horrible expression. Awashima was just looking at me. "I understand. Let's go."

As we walk outside the building, I looked back again and saw that Yashiro-kun is hugging Nanami really tight. She's crying really hard.

I must be crazy. I already rejected her of course. But right now, what the heck am I feeling sad and jealous for. They were right. You'd only realize things if they're gone. I'm the one who let her go.

Nanami, I'm sorry. I was not honest with my feelings. The truth is... I have fallen in love with you a long time ago.


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora