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"Oh no...what to do? What to do?" Nanami kept asking herself as she walk around her room. "How will I face Munakata-San after what happened the other day?" Then she stopped and recalled everything that night.

His calming voice.
His deep and refreshing stare.
And his...

Nanami pictures Munakata embracing her tightly.


Her face suddenly heat up and became as red as a tomato.

"NO!!!!!' She screamed as she slap herself and tried to pull her hair in embarrassment.


"No! No! No!" She continues. "My heart?! Something is wrong with my heart!!!" She placed her hands on her left chest and slumped herself on the bed. Her hands covering her eyes while her face is still blushing.

"Something is really wrong." She mumbled. Nanami took a deep breath and sit up from the bed. She stood up and clenched her fist. "I can do this!!" Then she stepped out of her room.

"That's some way to start your morning..."

A man's voice commented and Nanami froze like an ice man. One of her most hated person in Scepter 4. Fushimi Saruhiko. He was leaning on the wall when Nanami opened her door.

"Tch! Let's not wait for the grass to grow. Captain is waiting for you." He stated then stood straight and started walking. Nanami crossed her arms.on her chest and frowned. "And what are you doing here, monkey? You're eavesdropping aren't you?"

Fushimi's eyebrows suddenly twitched. "Monkey?!" He asked angrily but before he explodes, he was able to retain his composure. "Tch. Let's go." And he continued to walk. Nanami just stick her tongue out in frustration.

The two were just silent as they walk. Nanami is a bit fidgety because it was awkward that Fushimi heard her rants early this morning. Fushimi noticed the uneasiness that Nanami is having right now. "Tch. You're getting annoying." He commented. Nanami jolted and tried to shout but they already arrived at Munakata's office. "Where here." He stated.

Nanami stopped and stared at the doorknob. "What am I gonna say? It is my fault..." She thought then held the knob and turned it. Munakata greeted them with a smile. "Good morning Nanami." Nanami froze and stared at a smiling Munakata.


"There it goes again...my heart is beating fast..." She thought as she felt her heart skip a beat. Fushimi was just looking at her and then she clicked his tongue again to make her snap. Nanami blinked her eyes a couple of times. "Uhmm...Good morning...Munakata-San." Nanami felt like her cheeks are burning, she looked down to hide her face.

"Thanks Fushimi-kun. You can leave her here now." Munakata thanked Fushimi. The bluenette nodded and stepped out of the room. He was still staring at Nanami whose looking down then totally left the room.

"You're actions the other day were unacceptable." Munakata stated. Nanami was surprised and looked up to him. "Killing yourself for petty trivial matters." He continued. Nanami's eyebrows furrowed at Munakata's statement. "What?" She mumbled. Munakata just looked at her with his usual dead pan look.

"Friends, relatives, acquaintances, they are all the same. Trivial things. And I cannot afford to babysit you all day." Munakata stated as he stood up and took his cup then poured some tea on it.

Nanami's fist clenched and shivered. "With all due respect Munakata-san. For me...those trivial things for you are important to me." She stated. Munakata was about to sip from his tea but stopped and stared at her.

"You..." Nanami's voice started to stutter as she's trying to suppress her tears. "What is family for you?" Tears started to roll down from her cheeks. "You will never understand what it means!" She shouted and tears continuously flowed. "You will never understand how it feels!! The feeling of being weak and useless while you see someone important disappear and die in front of you!!! And...that night..."

Munakata's eyebrow suddenly twitched and put down his cup. He walked towards a sobbing Nanami. He held and gripped her shoulders tightly and pushed her to the nearest wall. Nanami got surprised and suddenly stopped crying. Her eyes wide open and stared at Munakata's blue orbs.

Nanami.noticed that Munakata's eyes were somewhat sad and angry. She flinched when Munakata's grip is getting tighter and tighter. His eyes were fiercely glaring hers and she felt pain on her shoulders.

"What now? Can't speak?" Munakata taunted Nanami. She closed her eyes and tried to look away from Munakata. But he held her face and made her turn to him. "Or are you expecting that I was harboring some romantic feelings for you because of that.hug?" Nanami opened her eyes and widened. Munakata leaned closer to her where their faces are inch apart then she started to blush.

Munakata grinned. "Just as I thought." He let go of Nanami and turned his back from her. "Those feelings are irrelevant and hindrance to our field of work." Nanami slowly slid down to the floor and held her shoulders that is throbbing from Munakata's tight grip. She stood up and looked down, her bangs covering half of her face.

Nanami felt some kind of a pain in her heart. "You'll never understand." She mumbled and then ran away and exit the room. Munakata remained standing and didn't look back at Nanami. But his fists were clenched and shaking. And at the back of his mind, Nanami's words echoed.

You'll never understand.

And though he didn't see how Nanami looks like when she said those words, Munakata pictured her. Crying. Eyes puffy. Eyebrows knitted and cheeks blushing. He face palm himself and slightly shook his head.

"Reisi, damn your so stupid." He cursed himself.

Its been days since their argument. Nanami and Munakata haven't talked to each other. Nanami avoided Munakata whenever they get to pass each other by and Munakata will just give her a cold shoulder.

One night...

Nanami went up to the rooftop and was just staring at the night lights. She was standing by the rail and her chin resting her hands. Tokyo streets were full of lights like the sky. Though the stars can be barely seen because of these lights. But Nanami enjoyed these scenery as she can see her home, the Mihashira Tower. The technological center of Tokyo and home of the first King, her father.

Nanami recalled what Munakata told her about romantic feelings. "Maybe he really is right. Maybe I am really expecting that he liked me too." Nanami unrested her chin and her eyes widened. "Too? Does it mean..." She asked herself.

"I like him." She mumbled. "I like...Munakata-san?" She held her burning red cheeks with both of her hands.



That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now