Don't say that.

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"Nanami?" Yashiro asked Nanami who was in the balcony at that time. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Nanami jolted a bit and stood up straight. "Uhmm... N-nothing." She blushed. Yashiro just smiled and walked closer to where she is and rested his elbows on the handrail. "You're looking for him aren't you?" Nanami looked at him and blushed really hard but Yashiro just looked back t her and smiled.

"Its alright." Yashiro's smiling face turned into a serious one. "Nanami, I have something important to tell you. Is it alright if we move to a different place or go inside?" He asked while still looking at Munakata-san whose speaking with Awashima s of the moment. Nanami shook her head. "What is that? Its alright in here." Yashiro looked back to her and stood up straight. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Lieutenant is... I mean the Gold King is... Dead."

Nanami, who was looking down from the balcony, froze and slowly turned her face then her entire body to Yashiro. "What?" She forced a smile. "You've got to be kidding me." She nervously laughed. "Yeah, you're just joking. You don't know me, I don't know you. So why are you making fun of me as if were close?" Then she held her shoulders that are shaking. Yashiro walked closer to Nanami and placed a hand on her head.

Trying to suppress her tears, Nanami wasn't able to hold it anymore and she started crying at the touch of Yashiro. She buried her face in her palm and Yashiro held her close and comfort her. "I'm sorry, Nanami. I asked him if I could bring you in Himmelreich for you to see him at his last moments but he refused. He said, he doesn't want to see the crying face of her lovely daughter." Nanami cried even more and Yashiro hugged her tightly.

Nanami stayed in the dorm where Yashiro is staying and his clansmen, Kuro and Neko. Nanami cried for like an hour and Yashiro comforted her. He can't help but feel sad for Nanami as she didn't see her father even during the burial. Nanami is lying down in the bed hiding under the blanket while Yashiro was sitting next to her. "Lieutenant, your father, would always say, to always move forward and never run from your trials. You've got to..." Yashiro got cut off. "Face it head on." Nanami murmured.

Yashiro got surprised and just smiled at her. He patted Nanami's and stood up. "Rest here for a while okay? I'll check if Kuro's done with dinner." And he left Nanami in the room. Nanami tucked herself even more under the blanket and started sobbing again.

Dinner is ready and Yashiro went back to the room to get Nanami and have dinner. "Nanami? I'm coming in." As he enter the room, Nanami's still in the bed hiding under the blanket. Yashiro walked closer to the bed and looked over her, he's about to wake her up when Nanami turned and their faces were inches apart. The Silver King's chestnut colored iris met Nanami's blues. They maintained eye contact for long seconds. Yashiro started to blush and Nanami when they realized they've been staring at each other. "I-I'm sorry. I was just..." Yashiro stuttered as he inch himself away from Nanami. Nanami stood up from the bed still blushing. "Dinner is ready?" Yashiro said as he look away from Nanami who was blushing.

In Mihashira...

Munakata is standing in front of the Slate. It was glowing and its the only source of light in that room. He's been looking at the Slate for hours now. The Slate glow even brighter and suddenly,  a block of blue light appeared in the sky, the light took form of a sword and as soon as it took its form, the sword glowed blue. The sword looks amazing and all but on the right side of its handle, a big crack is starting to spread.

"It looks like I'm running out of time." Munakata smirked.

From afar, Nanami felt something strange. She stood up from the table where Yashiro, Kuro and Neko are taking dinner. They all got startled and looked at her. Nanami's eyes were wide open and looked at Yashiro. "Nyaa Nanami, what's wrong?" Neko asked. "You can feel it right?" Yashiro asked calmly. Nanami's eyebrows knitted together and clenched her fist. "Is there a way we can stop it?" She asked but Yashiro didn't respond. And silence engulfed the dinner table. Nanami just sat down in defeat.

A week before Christmas.

Nanami was asked to stay within the school grounds and stay in the dorm for a while. The Blues and the HOMRA were meeting up with Yashiro today for a strategic plan against JUNGLE.

She was walking in the hallway when she saw Munakata and Fushimi having a talk. Fushimi noticed her and they stopped talking Then Munakata looked over to where Nanami is. She froze at his sight and started averting her eyes. Fushimi nodded at Munakata and left.

Nanami took a deep breath and nervously walked towards Munakata while avoiding to look at him. But before she knew, Munakata is already standing in front of her. "Uhmm... Excuse me.." Nanami nervously mumbled but Munakata remained standing in front of her.

"Nanami..." He spoke. Nanami froze upon hearing his voice. She bit her inner lip. Nanami felt like its been ages since she last heard his voice. "How are you now?" Munakata asked. "I'm sorry to hear for your loss." He looked away.

"I-I'm fine." Nanami timidly answered. "Please excuse me..." She walks away from Munakata as it feels awkward and uncomfortable to speak with him at the moment. But Munakata spoke.

"I'm really sorry for everything Nanami."

Nanami froze and her eyes were starting to cry.

"I guess, they were right. I'm not being honest with what I wanted to say." Munakata walked closer to Nanami and he's standing behind her. "Our mission is to protect the world from destruction. This mission could be a one way ticket for everyone even for me." Nanami hugged herself to suppress her shivering body as she doesn't want to hear these things.

"Nanami... I..." He was cut off when Nanami faced him and look straight into his eyes. "Munakata-san... Its alright. You don't have to say sorry. I have realized what you told me. Maybe I was just admiring you foolishly because you helped me a lot of times then there goes our childhood days and all." She smiled. "But its alright. And please don't speak like its our last meeting. Hahaha..." She pats Munakata's shoulders and then turned around. "I wish you luck with your mission. And... Please don't force yourself too much..." Her tone of voice changed to a sad one. "You have a big world to protect. Don't mind me... I'm just a small part of your big world. And I can take care of myself." She looked back and forced a smile at him then she run away.

Munakata remained standing with his fists clenched at the side. "Don't say that..." He mumbles.


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now