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The sky is clear blue. Some clouds flailing making it serene. Wind blowing with a pinch of cold breeze. Nanami was lying down on the bench staring at the blue sky. Everybody left her behind as Munakata ordered her stay. Even Yashiro and Anna asked her to stay at school grounds until after their mission. She didn't have a choice but stay behind.

She sit up straight and looked around. Students everywhere, talking on the phone, chatting with friends, having sweet moments with their partners, and some, fooling around. They don't have a clue that there's a war going on. Nanami sighed and took her leave. As she wander around the school grounds, she stopped by at the Archery Club. There's no people in the range. She tilted her head and an idea popped up.

Nanami went inside and took a set of bow and arrow. She placed the quiver on her side and walked towards the shooting area. She first took a deep breath. Raised the bow in her left hand and the arrow slinging on the string, with the support of her left hand. She slowly pulled down the bow as she pulls the string with the arrow. She took another deep breath and aims the arrow to the target. She breathes out slowly and with the rhythm of her breathing she released the arrow.

The bow flies through the air and hit the center of the target. Nanami was surprised. She didnt know that she'd still be able to get a bulls eye after months of no training. "Yes!" She happily exclaimed with her fist raised.

"It feels good isn't it." Some unfamiliar voice came from nowhere. Nanami turned around and a guy with shiny, wavy hair was standing behind her. His face is pretty, much prettier than a girl but with his stance and built, you can definitely say he's a guy. Nanami stepped back and immediately pulled an arrow towards him but failed. A sword is already pointed in her neck.

"Resisting is futile." He uttered as he walks closer to Nanami with his sword still pointing at her. Nanami took a gulp and spoke. "Who are you?" She asked. The beautiful guy just smiled and walked behind her. He moved closer until Nanami's back is leaning on his chest and leaned down where his face is now near hers. The situation she's in is very uncomfortable but she cant move because of the sword threatening her. "It doesn't matter who I am." He moved the sword away and roughly turned her around. Holding her face, Nanami can't let go of his grasp.

"Let go of me!" Nanami struggles from his grip. The mysterious guy let go of Nanami's face and suddenly, Nanami felt like she was jabbed really hard on her lower body. Making her drop the bow and flinch down on the floor. "You--- you're....f-from ......." Nanami uttered while enduring the pain in her body until she lost her consciousness. "I really don't want to hurt a lady but this is just work." The guy answered and carried an unconscious Nanami on his shoulder like a sack of rice.


Tension is up around Mihashira Tower. Fushimi is in the van monitoring all activities around it.

"Captain... He's coming fast." Fushimi held the microphone from his headset. "Tch... We didn't see this coming." He mumbled.

Suddenly, on the sky, a huge accumulation of clouds and light is happening until it forms another sword.

"Fushimi-san! You've got look at this!" One member of Sceptre4 came rushing inside the van. Same time as Fushimi was warned, the monitor started showing signs of danger. Fushimi intensely looked at the monitor then he rushed outside.

"What the heck?!" Fushimi curse. "Another sword?" He immediately turned to his microphone and relayed the message. "Captain! Another sword of Damocles is showing up!"

Up the tower is where Munakata, Shiro and Anna is. Munakata received the message from Fushimi and he drew his sword out.

"A sword came out, Yashiro-kun." Munakata said. Shiro and Anna were both looked up at the sky. "Gray King." Anna mumbled. And they both turned their attention to their enemy in front.

"Now that you know..." A husky voiced man came out of the mist that's covering the entire floor. "I think there's no point in holding back." He said and dashed towards Munakata.

The Blue King raised his sword and defended himself. But the enemy is swifter. He's using a gun and it seems like he has endless bullets. He just keep on firing at Munakata who was able to dodge and defend.

"I heard you're keeping that Alpha Strain, Munakata-kun." The Gray King said as he dodge the Blue King's attacks. "What are you keeping her for?" He continues.

"Its none of your business." Munakata replied as he continue to attack.

"Oh... You've gotten softer now huh? Is she the girl you've been looking for?" The Gray King  teased him as he landed on the far end. The attacks stopped and Munakata was huffing.

"You're quite talkative for an old man." Munakata remarked but he suddenly fell on his knees and held his shoulders.

"Oh did I got you? Its true that when someone is as strong and prideful as you, their hearts would deceive them in the end." The Gray King taunted. "How bout we let her join the game?"

Munakata stood up still holding on his shoulder and intensely shot glares on the Gray King. "Dont you touch her!" He shouted and he stroked another swing of his sword at the Gray King.

The Gray King swiftly dodged Munakata's attack and landed near the passed out Green King. "Well... You can't top her. Its her destiny." He lifted the Green King and carried him on his shoulders. Sounds of clicking anchors were heard and everyone in there looked up.

A helicopter is slowly emerging from the mist and they all have realized that they had the Slate already. "The Slate!" Shiro exclaimed.

"Well that's it for now Munakata-kun!!" The Gray King shouted. And the helicopter flew off carrying the slate and the member of JUNGLE.

Munakata just stood there still holding on his shoulders. Shiro ran towards him. "Munakata-san." He shouted. To Munakata, everything was like blurry and sounds are garbled. He looked at Shiro whose fast approaching him. Behind him is Awashima whose rushing to him.

Munakata looked up to the helicopter and his eyes narrowed. "Nanami?" He mumbled the name of the only person he cared the most. And suddenly everything turned black.


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now