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Munakata was just sitting in front of his desk. With some paper works on top and the plasma monitor is on. Showing some slides of old news and events in Tokyo.

The Hirano family is grieving for the lost of their only daughter Hirano Ayase to a fire. December 31st, year XXXX, an explosion were heard from the Hirano Mansion located in 4th district of Tokyo.

The news continues and it caught his attention and stood up. He immediately paused the video and looked at the picture that is showing on the old news. "Why didn't I look at this before? Hana..."

(on the picture shows a girl with brown locks and hazelnut brown eyes)

"Hana..." He pushed his glasses up, turned off the monitor, and sat on his chair. He looked at the papers that are on his desk. Most of it is reports created by Special Task Force Unit of Scepter 4 regarding the Strain Incident near Shibuya. One of the papers shows details regarding Kokujoji Nanami, created by Fushimi Saruhiko. He took it and read it.

Name; Kokujoji Nanami Age; 16 years old Parents: Unknown Birthdate: March 17, XXXX Birth Place: Unknown Residence: Unknown Information: Adopted by Kokujoji Daikaku 10 years ago Incident: Got involved in pursuit of a Beta Strain....

"Captain, may I come in?" Munakata took the paper from the pile of documents. "Come in, -Fushimi-kun." Fushimi came in and after closing the door, he noticed that Munakata is holding the report that he send last night. "I see that you have reviewed my report." Munakata just smiled and answered. "Yes I did. But It seems that this report is missing something."

Fushimi fixed his eyeglasses from the bridge of his nose. "Tch. You're becoming so nosy lately." Munakata just smiled at him. "I have some special task to assign you with." Fushimi just looked at him. "While things are within our control, I shall assign you and Awashima-kun to take care of the Strain related cases." Munakata stated as he turned the swivel chair around. "And what may you be doing, Captain?" Fushimi asked. Munakata didn't answer right and smirked. "I have a special investigation to do."


Nanami was lying down on her bed, looking at the ceiling. "How long will I stay here? I want to go home." The door suddenly opened and it was Fushimi. "Tch. We'll be removing your IVs and after that you can go home." He said in an irritated tone of voice. "You were the brat that tried to break into the restricted line during the Crater Incident, weren't you?" Fushimi asked. Nanami's brows furrowed and suddenly remembered. "Are?! You are that snotty Blue guy before!!" Fushimi's brows twitched and a comic vein popped on his forehead. "Snotty? Why you..." Then the aides came in and started to remove the IVs on Nanami's arm.

"Thank you." Nanami thanked the aides and she stood up. She took her clothes from the table and glared at Fushimi. Fushimi glared back at her. "Well...?" Nanami asked. "Tch." Its what all Fushimi did and stepped out. After Fushimi left, Nanami started to change her clothes.

Fushimi stood outside the room and leaned on the wall. "Tch. What is he thinking? Saying he'll be babysitting this brat." After, a couple of minutes, Nanami is finally done with changing her clothes. She went out of the room and Fushimi stood straight. "Let's go. He's waiting for you." He said. Nanami was puzzled as to whose waiting for her. She just nodded and they started walking. After taking several turns, they finally arrived at their destination. They reached a traditional Japanese style door. Fushimi knocked. "I have the girl with me. May we come in?" He asked.

"Come in." A voice from the room replied. Fushimi opened the door and Munakata greeted them with a smile on his face. "I'm glad that you're all okay now Nanami-chan." Nanami just looked at him with puzzled looks. "What's with the puzzled look?" He asked. Nanami didn't answer right away not until when Fushimi clicked his tongue, again. "Tch." Then he looked away. Nanami looked at him and then back to Munakata.

"Oh I'm sorry. I was just a bit..." Nanami replied in a confused tone of voice but wasn't able to finish her sentence. "Confused?" Munakata added. Nanami gulped and just nodded. "Well, from now on you'll be on close watch by Scepter 4." Munakata stated. He stood up from his desk, walked towards the coffee table, and poured some tea on his cup. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe. Only I, Fushimi-kun and Awashima-kun knows about this." He took another cup and poured tea on it too. "Have a sit and here's some tea." Munakata gestured to the mat that is on his tea area. He sat first followed by Fushimi and then Nanami sat too. "I already talked to the head of the Usagi's and they are in agreement with me." He continued.

"I don't need security or protection from Scepter 4. And I didn't even ask the Usagi's to protect me." Nanami stated. Munakata fixed pushed his glasses up from the bridge of his nose. "Well...what if the other clan knew of the Gold King's disappearance and that he left you as his memento? In addition, they start attacking you. What are you going to do?" Munakata asked. Nanami wasn't able to answer but just looked away from him. "I can manage. You don't need to give me protection. I'm not a child anymore." Nanami stood up with her fists on her side trembling. "Excuse me but I need to go home. I missed a lot from studies already." Munakata took a sip from his tea and didn't respond. Nanami just looked at him and then stepped away. Fushimi was about to stand when Munakata just looked at him. It's like a signal to him not to follow her. "Well...suit yourself. But...Scepter 4 will always be watching you." Nanami's eyes furrowed. "Why do they treat me as child? I can protect myself." Then Nanami stepped out of the room.

A car was waiting outside the headquarters for Nanami, but she didn't take it. Instead, she just walked home. When she arrived, the Head of the Usagi's greeted her. "Lady Nanami, I'm glad your back home. The Blue King notified us of your arrival." Nanami didn't answer back and just walked straight. "Lady Nanami, is there something that you need?" He asked again. Nanami stopped from walking. "Yeah...I need you to do me a favor." The Usagi just nodded to Nanami's request.


"Nanami is back to school already and is not showing any unusual signs or anything, Captain. That's what is on the report that I received. But there's something new on the report." Awashima stopped reading the paper then gave it to Munakata. He received it and read it. Munakata just smirked and pushed his glasses upwards. He rested his elbows on the table with his hands up enclosed.

"So, you really are trying to hide something. Well...nothing's impossible for me. Awashima-kun? Prepare everything that I need."

Awashima stood straight and responded. "Yes,Captain and where are we going?"

"We are going to Ashinaka High School." He answered.

************************************************************************************* A/N: Omygosh!!! This is a onetime major upload of chapters for all of my works. Please stay tuned. Thanks!!

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