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"EEHHHHHH!!" Nanami screamed on top of her lungs upon realizing her feelings. "This can't be happening!" She slapped herself many times until her cheeks were red then sighed heavily. "Okay... I'm done for it. I really like him." She uttered. She looked up where the Mihashira Tower is and gaze at it. "Does he like anyone?" Then sighed again.


"Captain, this is the only information I got so far." Fushimi started. "10 years ago, the Gold King adopted a girl from a certain family. The family where the girl was taken are not her biological parents too. According to the details, the family just saw her by the river banks and one night the girl was known to possess abilities. Its not certain though as to why the Gold King took interest in taking her. And that girl, in the present is known as..."

Munakata stood up from his desk and walked over the window. "Thanks Fushimi-kun, you really are reliable with processing information." Fushimi sighed and clicked his tongue. "You're that certain family, aren't you?" He asked but Munakata just answered him with a short smile. "What are you going to do now that you know who that girl is? It seemed like the girl plays a vital role for the Gold King."

Munakata fixed his glasses up and walked back to his desk. "I'll take care of it." Fushimi just looked at him and clicked his tongue.


A couple of days after Nanami realized her feelings for the Captain, the thought really bothered her to the point that she's unable to sleep properly. Every time she closes her eyes, the image of the Captain is what appears before her. "This is so frustrating." She slumped her self on the table and her face on it.

"What's so frustrating?" Someone asked from the back. Nanami's eyes widened as this voice is familiar. She looked up and saw that it was the Captain. She suddenly sit up making some clatter. "Uhmm... M-Munakata-san?" Wait why am I stuttering?" She thought.

She stood up straight and took a deep breath. "Ah! Munakata-san! What a rare chance to see you! How are you? Me, I'm fine thank you. I see that you're doing great!" She continuously stated and slowly and nervously walks away from him.

Munakata tilted his head a bit as confusion hit him. "Nanami, may I ask something?" Nanami suddenly felt some shiver down her spine. "Wh-what?" Behind her is the door and she's already holding the knob ready to turn and run. "Uhmmm... You see.." Munakata got cut off when the emergency alarm suddenly rung.

Nanami almost fell on her feet upon hearing the loud and annoying alarm. She immediately covered her ears and stood up. "What's that noise?!" She shouted and looked at Munakata who remained calm even after the alarm.

"Munakata-san?" Nanami asked. Munakata looked at her sternly and started heading towards her direction. "Uhmm...Munakata-san?" Nanami nervously asked until Munakata is in front of him. Inches apart from each other. Nanami's leaning her back on the door and nervously gulped.

Crimson red crept on her cheeks as Munakata continuous to stare at her with those cold eyes. Nanami couldn't help but stare back as she's like a captive under those blue orbs of his. She didn't realize that their faces were strands away from each other when suddenly...

"Just as I thought." Then he leaned away from Nanami and as soon as he's far from her she scooted away from the door then the alarm suddenly stopped ringing and they both looked up. Munakata looked back to Nanami. "Your body is emitting energy on its own. And more than a normal Strain would." Nanami just looked at him confused. "I'll check what happened first then we'll talk about it." He exited the door leaving Nanami still confused and flustered.

She slumped down and felt like she lost all energy she has. "He almost gave me a heart attack..." She exclaimed. But she remembered, "The alarm!" She stood up and run outside.

As she was running along the corridor, she saw the Special Police Force fixing up in a hurry. Nanami approached one of them, Domyouji. "Excuse me, Domyouji-san, may I know what's going?" She asked. But since Domyouji was busy prepping his coat and sword, he didn't look back and didn't even realized who asked. "Mihashira Tower is under attack." He immediately answered.

Nanami froze upon hearing the news. "What?" Then Domyouji turned around and got surprised when he saw Nanami running away from him towards the exit. "Is that Nanami-chan?" He asked.

As Nanami is running, a lot of things came to her mind. "Our home. Father..." She rushed outside and ran to the direction where Mihashira Tower is. Nanami was frozen on her spot just across the street from Mihashira Tower, as she see the explosion from above.

She immediately ran across the street not minding the cars passing by. "The chamber... They must not reach the Slate." And she ran towards Mihashira Tower.


"Has anyone seen Nanami?" Awashima Seri, the second hand man of the Blue King, asked. She was roaming around the groups that went to respond in Mihashira. She didn't see the girl in the headquarters nor anywhere.

It suddenly started raining heavily and the worry on the blonde keeps on growing. "I can't reach her on her phone. Where is she?" She suddenly saw Fushimi Saruhiko, the left hand man of the Blue King, checking the perimeter. "Fushimi!" She called. Fushimi faced Awashima and as he rested his hand on his waist. A deep sigh came first from him. "What?"

"Have you seen Nanami?" Awashima asked not minding the attitude of the lad. "Tch. Am I her babysitter?" He asked back. Awashima glared at him and Fushimi just sighed again. "Domyouji said that he saw her running through the corridor in the base earlier."

"But we were the last ones to leave and Nanami is not there." Awashima's head keeps on looking around for Nanami. "Tch. I'll assign some to look for her." Awashima suddenly turned her head back to Fushimi and got amazed by his statement. "Okay. Thanks. Call me when you found her."

And Awashima left Fushimi with the task of looking for Nanami. She ran back to where the van of the Captain is. She knocked first then entered. "Captain, Fushimi said he'll be looking for Nanami too." Munakata stood up from his chair and walked out of the van. Awashima shaded him with an umbrella she's been carrying.

"We've got to find her soon. Her powers are unstable as of the moment." He stated and Awashima nodded in agreement with the Captain's order. Then Munakata looked up to the Mihashira Tower. "Are we going to advance, Captain?" Awashima asked. "No. Just keep the perimeter checked and secured." Then he pushed his glasses up like he usually do and grinned. "So, they have made their move and decided to show up."


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang