Scepter 4

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Months have passed since the Ashinaka Incident, and Nanami, is living her life like a normal high school student. However, she's been trying to hide her identiy as the daughter of the Gold King Daikaku Kokujoji. Her friend Kukuri Yukizome, is her only close friend in the school.

"Nana-chan! Hurry up, you don't want to miss the sale on that department store. I heard that most of their branded clothes will be on sale 50% off!!" Kukuri shouted at a yawning Nanami. "But Kukuri its too early, the deparment store might not be open yet." Nanami replied while yawning.

'Well, better be early than late. You know, the earlier the better so that we can still get the best goods." Kukuri responded. Nanami just sighed and smiled. "Okay. But I'm not gonna buy anything though." She answered. "its okay. As long as we get to spend this weekend together I'm all good." Kukuri giggled. "You know you were so out of it these past few months since the crater incident. That's why I'm so happy that we could bond like this again." Kukuri replied as she held Nanami's hands. Nanami was a bit moved by Kukuri knowing that her friend is concerned about her well-being.

"Thank you Kukuri. I'm sorry for making you worry." Nanami apologized.Kukuri just smiled and hugged her tight. "Let's go." Kukuri said.

The two went inside the department store and started shopping. The two were having fun and looking for dresses that are on sale. Especially Kukuri who's very energetic and excited with all the clothes. Nanami, on the other hand just watched her and looked at few dresses but didn't bought anything. After hours of spending in the department store, Kukuri finally wore down. "Phew! I'm so hungry now Nana-chan." Kukuri complained as she started to melt like an ice. Nanami just laughed at her." Hahaha, Come on let's eat." She asked.

They went over to a fast food chain as per request of her friend.. "You can find us a seat and I'll go order us some food." Nanami said. "Okay." Kukuri replied. Nanami went to the counter and fall in line. "Hmm what would I buy. Kukuri said she wanted a double cheese deluxe with large fries and drinks. Is that even healthy to eat?" Nanami wondered. She was wondering because its very rare for her to eat at a fast food chain. Most of the time she prepares her food and bring it to school. It's Nanami's turn and she haven't decided what to eat yet. "Hi Miss. What's your order?" the cashier asked her. "Well...actually I'm not sure what to buy. But my friend would like a double cheese deluxe with large fries and drinks. Hmmm...but what should I buy? Something healthy is what I wanted." Nanami wondered.

"Tch. You know you can order the garden salad that they have."

The voice of a young man surprised Nanami then she turned around. "Oh. Thank you." Then she faced back to the cashier. "I'll have garden salad and fruit juice." The cashier started to punch her order and Nanami gave the payment. She turned around again to thank the young man. "Thank you." She bowed a bit and lifted her head and noticed that the guy was wearing a blue coat and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He's wearing a violet wrist band on both hands and hie's also wearing a glasses. Their eyes met and the person just clicked his tongue. "Tch. Why do I have this buy this for those bastards." Suddenly a comic vein popped on Nanami's forehead. "Eh?!" Nanami couldn't say a word. "He could've say welcome." She thought. She carried her tray and went to Kukuri. As she sat on the chair, she's still looking at the person wearing blue coat. "It's like I've seen him before." She thought.

After eating at the fast food chain, Kukuri and Nanami went to the park just to relax a bit. "Phew. This day is so fun Nanami. I wish we could do this again." Kukuri exclaimed. Nanami just smiled and looked at her. "Of course. We can do this again." Nanami replied. Kukuri smiled and then stood up from the swing she's sitting from. "Well, I better go home. Its almost night. You know there's curfew at the dorm." Kukuri said. Nanami stood up too and hugged Kukuri. "Thanks Kukuri." Kukuri hugged her back. The two parted their ways on the main streets of Tokyo and waved goodbye to each other.

"Well, it's a fun day though." Nanami yawned and stretched her arms then she looked up at the building with a big screen on it. It's a newsflash regarding beta strains causing a ruckus near the area.

Warning to the public! Please be advised that there are beta strains on the loose. Scepter 4 is already chasing after these strains. If you happen to encounter a Strain, please do not approach nor get in contact with them. Press the red app on your PDAs to notify the Scepter 4 right away. These Beta Strains are extremely dangerous. Please do not approach. Thank you.

Nanami just sighed. "How are we suppose to know if they are Strains or not? Stupid warning." Then a siren started to startle everyone. Nanami looked back and saw that there are big vans around the area. She just ignored these and started walking.

Nanami took a turn around the corner. It's a shortcut she always take whenever going home to Mihashira Tower. It's a small street where people rarely go to. She knows that it's safe because she's been using this shortcut for quite some time now.

While Nanami is walking, she felt like someone is following her. She looked back and saw no one. "Maybe its just my imagination." She muttered. She ignored it and continued to walk. She felt it again. "Someone really is following me." She whispered to herself. She stopped walking and looks around to see if there's something she can use a weapon for defense. She saw a long metal rod on the ground and picked it up right away. She turned around and aimed the rod towards the direction where she felt that someone is following her.

"Who's there? Come out!" Nanami shouted with her eyes inspecting the surrounding and becoming alert. After few seconds, nothing came out. She sighed in relief and loosened her stance. She turned around and suddenly some sort of a sharp object landed infront of her, near her feet. Nanami was surprised with what landed near her feet. "A knife?" She stated. Then she turned around when she felt that someone is behind her. Upon turning around, there's a man infront of her wearing a black hoodie. He was sweating a lot and his eyes are showing that he's frightened. "I have no choice! I know you're gonna report me to Scepter 4!!" Nanami flinched in pain and looked down, there's another knife stabbed on her lower left abdomen. Then the man pulled the knife out, flipped her around and choked her using his arm. Nanami feeling weak couldn't move at all nor shout for help. She just held on to the man's arm that is choking her. Suddenly, a blue light flashed on them and the man froze. "Shit! They're here!" HE turned around and faced the people wearing blue coat. Nanami's eyes are starting to blur and she's feeling light head because of blood loss. "S-Scepter 4." She muttered.

"Captain! This Beta Strain is armed and extremely dangerous. Permission to use sword, sir!" The blonde girl asked. Then a man wearing glasses, with blue eyes and hair, stepped up from behind the people wearing blue shirts. "We are here to protect the city from them. For our cause is pure. Permission to use sword, granted."

Then they started to pull their saber one at a time and stated their name.

"Awashima Seri, Ready for Battle!"

"Fushimi Saruhiko, ready for battle!"

"Akiyama Himori, ready for battle"

"Benzai Yuujirou, ready for battle."

"Camo Ryuho, ready for battle"

"Domyoji Andy, ready for battle."

"Fuse Daiki, ready for battle."

"Hidaka Akira, ready for battle."

Then the man who gave them permission to use sword slowly pulled his saber out and stated his name.

"Munakata Reisi, ready for battle."


A/n: OMG, its been a while my fellow readers!! Thank you for your continuous support for my works.

That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now