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Morning, and the sun shines brightly and peeks through the drapes. Nanami slowly opened her eyes and found herself enclosed in a familiar warm and cool scent. She looked up and saw his mam of her dreams' peaceful face. Munakata looks much better without those glasses and those crumple on his temples, she thought. "What a wonderful view. I hope this dream would never end. I'm not going to let go." She mumbled and buried herself deep into his embrace. Munakata's lip curved up a little when Nanami hugged him tighter.

Nanami opened her eyes widely in surprise. She stood up hitting Munakata in the face and woke him up. "This isn't a dream." She said then looked back to Munakata whose half naked beside her. She looked at herself, still dressed though wearing her sleeping clothes, a black razor back and red shorts. "Kyaaaaàhhhhh!!!" She screamed and then covered herself up under the blanket.

Munakata slowly sit up from the bed rubbing his sleepy eyes. "You shouldn't scream like that when you just woke up." He looked back at Nanami whose still hiding under the blanket. Munakata lie down again on his side with his head resting on his hand. He peeked under the blanket and chuckled at a blushing Nanami. "What? You're blushing really hard, you know?" Nanami just glared at him teary eyes.

"Just what are you doing here in my bed?" She asked. Munakata fixed himself on the bed comfortably. "You cried all night til you fall asleep." He casually answered. "Hmpfh...then why are you half naked? And how was I able to change with this clothes?" She questioned him again. Munakata chuckled again. "You cried so much that my coat got wet and I can't find any shirt that would fit me from your wardrobe. Also I changed your clothes, you wouldn't want to sleep with winter clothes right?"

Nanami blushed even harder and pulled the blanket harder. She sit up with her all messy the glared at Munakata. "What?" He asked. "What?! You just answered so casually. Its as if being half naked in my bed and changing my clothes are the usual to you?" Nanami whined and comically hugged herself. "Well..." Munakata paused and grinned at her. "I so hated it when you're like that." Nanami retorted. She sat up and jumped out of the bed. "I'll prepare breakfast."

Nanami started making breakfast. Pancake with strawberries on the side. Coffee for Munakata and milk for her. She was placing plates on the table and when she turned she almost dropped the food seeing Munakata still half naked. Munakata instantly moved to catch the plates. "Careful." He said. "Sorry..." Nanami blushed. Munakata and Nanami sat down besides each other but a bit far.

As Munakata sips some coffee, he looked around the studio and noticed some picture of her. "That's a hakama isn't it?" He asked. "Yes...why?" Nanami answered as she eat her pancake. "I didn't know you're into archery." He replied. Nanami looked at the picture and she started to feel gloomy. "He taught me that." She looked down at the pancake. "When I couldn't control my powers, he taught me to concentrate by means of archery. When I was able to master it, that's when how I was able to control my powers. He was..." Nanami paused, holding the tears that's been threatening to fall. Munakata felt sad as Nanami reminisces her father. He silently scooted beside Nanami and suddenly grabbed her then made her lean onto him. Nanami's eyes widened in surprise with Munakata's actions.

"He is a great father. Raising you. Teaching you." Munakata said as he made Nanami lean over his chest. The girl just bit her lip suppressing the tears. "I am thankful to him for taking care of you." He embraced Nanami in his arms and gave her a peck on her forehead. Nanami closed her eyes and let the tears roll down from her cheeks. She admits that she's still not over with her father's death. She still misses him. But Munakata now being there reassures her that she's no longer alone.

After that morning, Munakata went back to the headquarters to get a change of clothes and Nanami went to the school. They are all meeting up today as the JUNGLE has notified them of their attack that night. Nanami arrived at school and was greeted by the Silver King himself, Yashiro. "Good morning Nanami." Yashiro gave her a warm smile. Nanami bowed down and smiled back. "Good morning, Yashiro-san."

"Good morning~ Nanami~!!" Neko jumped at her and hugged her as she greet Nanami a good morning. Nanami who almost fell down greeted her back. Behind Yashiro was Kuro, one of his clansman  gave her a slight nod. "Shiro... The Red King will be here in a few minutes with her clan, same goes for Munakata-san." He advised Yashiro of the events. "Okay, let's get ready then." Yashiro replied. And they all headed inside to the lecture hall, with Nanami trailing them. She suddenly thought of what's going to happen today. "Today is the day." She paused and when she looked back, Anna and her clansmen just arrived.

They were all walking toward her and she just maintained her focus. As they come closer, Anna stopped in front of Nanami. Anna looked straight to her eyes making Nanami a bit nervous. "Uhmm... G-good morning." She greeted. There was quick silence then Anna spoke. "Nanami, I hope you're still not thinking of joining the war." She sharply asked. Nanami took a gulp and remained calm. "I may not be part of any clan, but I'm fighting for what my father has protected his entire life." She retorted. Anna then smiled. "Then, I'm looking forward to it." And she continued to head inside followed by her clansmen.

The Silver and Red are now all gathered in the lecture hall. The hall was filled with noises of chatter coming from the Red Clansmen while the peeps of the Silvers are all quiet, except Neko who keeps on fooling around. Nanami was sitting in the far end, when Yashiro approached her. "I heard from Anna, you've made your resolve." He said with a smile as he sat next to Nanami. The girl just smiled back at him and fixed herself on the chair. "Yeah. Though I know Munakata-san will be furious about it. Hahaha." She answered with a chuckle. "Yeah, he will be. You know how much he value you." Yashiro replied with a chuckle too. Nanami suddenly blushed at his reply which made Yashiro wonder and tilted his head a bit. "Anything wrong?" Nanami jolted and raised her hands and shaking her head to disagree. "I-I'm alright.." She stuttered but still leaving Yashiro dumbfounded.

The lecture Hall's door opened and came Awashima, followed by Munakata then Fushimi and the rest of the special ops. Yashiro and Nanami stood up when they same them coming in. Munakata looked up to where Nanami Yashiro is. He didn't show any reaction or emotions on his face. Still his usual calm and collected look. Yashiro waved and smiled at them but the Blue King was just glaring at him. "Nanami..." Yashiro whispered still smiling at them. "Why do I feel like he's sending daggers to me?" He asked. Nanami was confused then looked back to Munakata.

Nanami remained at the far end while Sceptre4 is in the right side of the hall and HOMRA are on the opposite. Yashiro is now discussing their plan for tonight in protecting the Slate. After the discussion, there's total silence. The HOMRA already left and Sceptre4 are now preparing to leave as well. Nanami remained in her seat as she watch everyone leave. Munakata stood up from his desk and looked back to Nanami. Their eyes met and stared at each other for a while and was cut off when Fushimi have whispered something to him, who got a nod from the King.

Everyone left and Nanami stepped out of the hall. Sighing and leaning her back on the wall, she looked up. "I'm so stupid. He's a full grown adult. Of course he can do that to any girl he'd like." She thought. "What's the matter?" A female's voice asked. She looked over the direction where the voice came from and she saw A was him a, the only woman in the Special Ops. "Awashima-san..." Nanami straightened her back from leaning. "I thought you already left?" She asked. The blonde shook her head and walked closer to her. As she came closer to Nanami, she leaned her back to the wall and crossed her arms on his huge chest and looked up. "Well..." She started that made. "I think you two had a lot of explaining to do." Nanami jolted and looked at Awashima surprised.

"E-explaining?" She stuttered. Awashima nodded. "He's been acting stranger since this morning. And even at the lecture hall earlier." Awashima asked. She stood up straight and faced Nanami with her arms still crossed on her chest. "He slept in your place didn't he?" Red blush started to creep up to Nanami's face, then nervously stood straight. Awashima let out a big sigh.


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now