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**Nanami's POV**

Argh...what just happened? I asked myself. Trying to stand up. My sorrounding was like an old ancient ruin. The tables and chairs were all scattered and broken. People on the floor all lifeless and bleeding. I slowly got back up to my feet and tried to look around.

"Kukuri!!" I faintly shouted looking for my friend. Then I heard someone coughing. I immediately ran where the sound came from. "Kukuri, is that you?" I asked again. Under the big table flipped over I saw a hand twitching., a familiar hand. "Oh no! Kukuri! Hang in there." I ran towards her and tried to move the big table but it was too heavy for me. "Kukuri, please hang in there, I'll try to go get some help." I exclaimed.

"By the time you get back she'll be dead."

I heard a familiar voice. And I looked around and saw him sitting in the corner holding onto his shoulder. "A sharp wood from the table struck her on stomach." He continued. "So, the more you move the table the harder it is for her to be saved." He leaned his back on the wall and tried to slowly stand up.

I ran towards him and helped him stand up. "But, Munakata-san, I can't just leave her like that." I complained. As he tried to walk he groaned in pain. His shoulder is bleeding and it looks like its broken as well. "Your shoulder Munakata-san." I asked. He took a deep breath and answered. "Yeah. I'm fine."

I looked at Kukuri. "Nana-chan..." She.uttered. I know she's in pain but I can't do anything. "H-help...me...." I felt like my heart is going to stop beating seeing Kukuri dying. My tears started to flow and I looked at Munakata-san.

"I'm sorry, Munakata-san." I exclaimed and slowly put him down. He just looked at me still wearring his calm face. I hurriedly ran towards Kukuri. "Kukuri, this will hurt a lot. So please hang in there." I warned Kukuri then I started to push the table away from her. Its slowly moving until I get to see Kukuri but she's screaming in pain. "I'm sorry." I closed my eyes and I was crying too.

Suddenly, Munakata-San was already beside helping me push the table with one hand. I looked at him and I felt something funny. My heart started to beat fast. "Don't stop." He said and I just nodded and continued pushing the table. Until we were able to get Kukuri out of the table. I looked at Munakata-san who looked pretty exhausted. "Th-thank you." I shyly looked away from him.

I ripped my sleeves and folded it so that it would look like a gauze. I hold onto the big shard struck on her stomach, took a deep breath and pulled it out. Kukuri screamed in pain and slowly stopped. "Kukuri, don't worry I got you." I slowly lay her.down away.from the table. I lifted her blouse and saw the big hole that the big shard of wood did to her. I immediately placed my torn sleeves on top of her wound put some pressure to at least lessen the bleeding.

"Its not stopping!" I mutterred. I noticed that Kukuri is breathing heavily and flinching in pain. I looked around in panic, hoping something can help me or someone. I averted my eyes on Munakata-san and noticed that he's in pain too. "M-Munakata-san, hang in there."

I really don't know what to do. I feel so helpless. Seeing people die on front of me. Suddenly, some flashes of pictures or scenes flashed before my eyes.

People dying in front of me.
Blood all over the place.


I suddenly snapped back to where I was. I looked at the person who called me.

"Nanami! This is no time for you to doze off!" Munakata-san shouted. I was surprised that I didn't realize that were tears forming and dripping from my eyes. I immediately wiped it off. I nodded at Munakata-san then looked back at Kukuri. "Should I?" I asked myself. He's right infront of me. I lied to him about this and now I'm gonna show it?

He was looking at me sternly. His eyes met mine and I felt like his eyes were telling me that everything's going to be alright. I took a deep breath and looked back down to Kukuri.

I lay my hands as if I was praying. I closed my eyes and slowly pull my enclosed hands apart. I light started to appear in between my hands and when I halfly opened my eyes and slowly moved my hands towards Kukuri. The light in my hands started to envelope me and Kukuri. I also noticed that a blue barrier started to glow and covered us. But I wasn't able to think who it was, my mind and body was focused on healing Kukuri's wounds.

The wound on her stomach started to heal, however, I felt something dripped from my nose I looked down and saw blood on my dress and on the floor. I can also taste some iron like taste in my mouth and when I coughed it out, I saw lots of blood. My vision's starting to get blurry and my head's starting to feel light. I looked at Kukuri and to her wounds, they're starting to heal.

"Its taking a toll on your body." Someone said I didn't care who it was. I can't let my concentration break. I need to focus on healing Kukuri. Then the light that enveloped us slowly faded until.its gone. The wounds on Kukuri's stomach are all gone. "Thank goodness." I thought. I kneeled in front of her all exhausted and worn. Someone was beside me and talked.

"You finally revealed your true abilities." He said. I looked up t the person who spoke but I can't seem to see the face as everything around me is all blurry.

"Its going to be alright, Nanami." He held his hand out to me but I just looked at it and then to him. I can't see him clearly but I an picture out.his eyes.

Those blue eyes...


...saved me again...


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now