I can tell.

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Nanami went straight home after what happened at school. She stormed in her room and dropped her body on her bed with her head burried in her pillow. She then started to sob and it slowly became heavy. "What does he know!" She kept crying until she didn't realize that she fell asleep.

Nanami woke up by the ring of her phone. She picked it up and saw the time that it's already 1 pm of the next day. She slept almost a day and there are messages. She browsed thru her inbox and there's 2 from an unknown #.

041xxxxxxx 09:15 am
Where are you? You already missed half of you subjects.

041xxxxxxx 12:45 pm
I'm coming over to your place. Your not responding. Don't neglect your studies.

"What the?! Is he my mother? He really is a creepy one. Whatever." She threw her phone on her bed and got up. "Its as if he knows where I lived. Hahaha." She laughed sarcastically. Nanami went straight to the shower and took a bath. After 15minutes of soaking in a warm bath, she dried herself and changed into a blue sleeveless tank top and wore her black sexy shorts.

She went to the kitchen and open her fridge. Thinking what she can eat but unfortunately nothing much is in the fridge. She just grabbed a bottle of tea and drank it. While she was drinking she thought of going outside the balcony when she noticed that the sky is really dark and slowly it started to rain. "I hope its just a quick pour." She stated.

Suddenly the bell rang and her eyebrows knitted together. "What?! Ugh..." She.went to open the door with her shoulders slump and stomping feet. Upon opening the door, she shrieked and fell down sitting, when a familiar face showed up. He just smiled creepily at her. "Good afternoon, Nanami-chan."

"M-Munakata-san? Why...h-how did you..." Nanami stated stuttering when Munakata finished the sentence for her. "How did I know? Of course I'd know." He entered. "Pardon for the intrusion." He removed his shoes and wore the house slip-ons. Nanami stood up and tried to stop him. "Wait!! You can't just enter my house!!" She finally got up from her feet and grabbed Munakata's shoulder.

Nanami suddenly felt some kind of electricity that flowed from Munakata to her. He was also surprised by what happened. Nanami stepped back but lose her balance and almost fell on the ground again but, Munakata was able to catch her. His left arm around her waist and the right to her left wrist. Nanami clung her right arm to Munakata's neck unknowingly as she closed her eyes.

When she finally opened her eyes, their eyes met. Nanami stared at his blue orbs while Munakata stared at her brown ones. They were like that for seconds until Nanami realized their position. "Ah..Thanks. You can let go of me now." She stands up and Munakata releasing her. "No problem." He stated.

Nanami had no choice but to let Munakata in to return the favor of catching her. "I don't have any in my fridge right now, so I can't offer you anything." Nanami sat in front of him on the sofa. "By the way, why are you here?" She asked.

"You have to reconsider your decision regarding what Scepter 4 is offering you." He started. "You don't know what kind of danger you are facing." He looked at her sternly while Nanami had her fist clenched. "I don't need any kind of protection. Especially coming from you."

"Its not from me but from Scepter 4." He corrected Nanami. "Whatever. Its just the same. The moment I accept your offer, your going to make me one of your clansmen under your Sanctum." Munakata's eyebrows twitched and raised his eyeglasses. "Why are you declining? Most people would want them to be under the Sanctum of any King." He stated. "As I can see, your not even protected by your father's Sanctum."

Nanami's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you..." She looked at him with her brows furrowed and in disbelief. "We Kings can see if someone is under the protection of the Sanctum or not." Nanami started to feel nervous and felt like she know where this talk is going to.

"And I can tell whether someone is a Strain or not." Munakata continued then Nanami stood up to get the bottled water on the table. "Your lying." She stated trying to be calm and cool. Munakata just smiled at her. "Would you like to eat outside? I know a sushi bar near here and its very good." Nanami stated trying to avoid the topic. "Sure, thank you." Munakata answered.

After Nanami got changed, they used the car that Munakata brought. "You came here alone?" Nanami asked. "Yeah. Can't I be alone for onetime?" He answered. Nanami just shrugged her shoulders. They arrived at a sushi bar and before entering the bar, Nanami saw Kukuri alone. Kukuri saw her too.

"Nana-chan?! Where have you been? Are you okay? You didn't come to school." Kukuri asked her nonstop. Then Munakata came and looked at Kukuri. "Oh Sensei, what a coincidence." Kukuri stated happily. "Yukizome Kukuri, and Kokujoji Nanami, right?" Munakata asked formally. Nanami looked at him with her right eyebrow raised. "He changed tone right away? Not just a creep, but a bipolar too?" She thought.

"Are you going to eat here as well?" Munakata asked. "W-well..we just...ahhhh..." Nanami tried to answer but Kukuri nudged her elbow at Nanami's side. "Yeah. Why don't you join us Sensei?" Kukuri asked. "Kukuri...I don't think its a..." Nanami whispered but got cut off by Munakata. "Sure why not."

And the three of them entered the bar with Nanami still in disbelief in what's going on. They were able to get a seat located near the glass window and ordered some food. Kukuri and Munakata were chatting while Nanami still can't believe that this is happening. She looked outside and rested her elbows on the table and her chin on her palm. Her eyes suddenly widened when a big truck came rushing to their direction. She stood up and shouted.


Is all she was able to shout when everything went black for her.


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now