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After the incident, Scepter 4 took Nanami back to.their facility. While her friend Kukuri was sent to the nearest hospital. Nanami became unconscious after she healed Kukuri.

Nanami slowly opened her eyes until they are half open. Her visions are still blurry and she blinked a few times until it became a bit clearer. Nanami rolled to her left and made her elbows support her body to sit up. She was able to sit up and scanned her surroundings. "Where am I?" She asked herself. She tried to stand up from the bed but her knees felt weak and wasnt able to stand up. She also noticed that there are IVs attached to her.

"What the heck happened?" She held her head as a sudden pain struck her. "Do you remember anything?" A man's voice asked her. Nanami looked up and saw Munakata entering the door. "Munakata-san? I..uh...uhm..." Nanami suddenly remembered everything that happened at the restaurant and recall a wounded and almost lifeless Kukuri. Tears started to roll down from Nanami's eyes. Her eyes wide open and she held her head.

"Kukuri?" She mumbled to herself. "I'm...so-sorry..." And Nanami bursted in tears. Munakata just looked at her cry. He walked closer to Nanami and sat at the foot of her bed. He stared at Nanami for a while and then looked away. "It hurts right? But...if you didn't hesitated back then...you could've prevent that from happening." He said in a low tone. Nanami kept crying and crying. She curled up to her legs and hugged them.

"Though you decided to save her, you know the consequences, right?" Munakata asked and Nanami stopped crying. She slowly lifted her head up and looked up to Munakata. "Your safety is our top priority. We need to...alter her...memories of you." Nanami's eyes widened upon hearing this. She looked away from Munakata and held her head down again. Munakata stood up and fixed his glasses up.

"For the safety of everyone, you also need to drop out of school. Starting today, you'll have your lessons here at the headquarters." He said that in a stoic and monotone. Showing no feelings or emotions. Nanami remained silent and was just crying. "Nanami..." He said but wasn't able to continue what he was supposed to say. "I...understand...Munakata-san. Can you...please leave me alone..for now?" Nanami asked. Munakata didn't respond and just left the room.

In Munakata's office...

"Captain, Nanami hasn't eaten anything yet since we brought dinner to her room." Awashima reported to Munakata. "Is that so?" He answered without looking at Awashima. He was reading some reports submitted to him after the incident at the restaurant. "What shall we do Captain? She barely touched her food since she woke up yesterday. If this continues..." She was cut off by Munakata who stood up and his chair made a bit of a clutter. "Captain..." Awashima stated.

Munakata stepped away from his desk and opened the door. "I'll take care of it." He said while glancing at Awashima over her shoulder then stepped out.

Munakata went to Nanami's room, he knocked and.noticed that the door is open. He turned the knob and saw that Nanami's room is really dark. The only main source of light is the one outside the room and the moonlight. He stepped inside and noticed that the food is still there untouched. "Nanami? Are you in here?" He asked. He noticed that there's light in her bathroom and the faucet is on. And then he looked back to the plate and something is missing. "Nanami!" He shouted and speed walk towards the bathroom.

He tried to open the door but it was locked. "Nanami! Open this door!!" He shouted again while knocking on the door. He walked backwards and slammed his body on the door twice and then he kicked it until the door broke down.

He saw the tub filled with water and its overflowing on the floor. The water had some stains of red on it as it flows down the drainage. He looked back to the tub and saw Nanami under the water.

"Nanami!" He shouted again and immediately get into the tub and lifted her up. Her right wrist is bleeding a lot. Munakata carried her and removed her from the water. He took her outside of the bathroom and laid her on the floor. Munakata placed his ears on top of Nanami's chest. "Her heartbeat is faint." He muttered. He started pumping her chest with his hands then he lifted Nanami's chin and pinched her nose and did CPR.

He repeated the CPR until Nanami started coughing out some water and started catching her breath. "Nanami! Wake up!" He lifted half of her body and made her lean on his arms. "Are you okay?" Munakata moved her near the wall and started treating her wound on her right wrist.

Nanami started to become conscious and just looked at Munakata then to the ceiling. Tears started to form from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. "What the hell are you doing to yourself?" Munakata asked while putting some bandage on her wrist. His voice sounded calm as ever but Nanami can feel that he's angry at the moment.

"Why..." She mumbled as she kept staring at the ceiling. "Do I feel like...you've saved me...before..." Munakata froze at her question and started recalling the past. The time when he saved Hana from the river. "Yeah...its so nostalgic, isn't it?" He responded. "I'm...sorry...Munakata-san." Nanami bursted in tears. "I'm...sorry for hurting Kukuri...I'm...sorry...that...you...got hurt. I'm so sorry for being pathetic and miserable like this."

Munakata's done treating Nanami's wound and he just stared at a crying Nanami. "Just...don't do this again." He paused and suddenly hugged Nanami. "But...I can't forgive you for making me so worried like that." He whispered behind Nanami's ears as he hugged her tight. Nanami took a deep breath and let herself be embraced in Munakata's warm chest.



okay I know, Munakata-san is a bit, OOC. But....gyaaaaahhhh...I can't help but fan girl him. (*/ω\)

Anyways...thank you for your continuous support!!

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