Changing time

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Few days after SCEPTRE4 was able to reclaim the Tower back. And it was the time that the Slate has chosen the new Red King, Anna Kushina of HOMRA. Anna left the Slate into Munakata's care as he's the only one capable of protecting it. Then SCEPTRE4's work has piled up since crimes increased caused by the members of JUNGLE the Green Clan.

Nanami fainted as soon as they landed on the ground when Munakata has saved her from falling and she's been sleeping since then. "How is she?" Munakata asked as he read through the paperwork's piled in front of him. "She just woke up this morning, Captain. Aren't you going to visit her anytime soon?" Awashima asked but Munakata didn't respond at all and all she could do is sigh.

In Nanami's room... She's sitting up and was just looking outside the window. She took a deep sigh and closed her eyes. She stood up from her bed and changed her clothes. As soon as she's done fixing herself up, she stood up in front of her door and hand is ready to open it. "How will I talk to him?" She took a gulp and opened the door.

She was walking along the corridor and still hesitant about talking to Munakata. "If I don't talk to him... How will I know his thoughts? I just can't let things like this." And she rubs her head in frustration. "You know... I always find your way of starting your morning, interesting." Nanami looked up and saw Fushimi. "Ugh... The tongue clicking monkey."

Fushimi raised a brow and rested his hand on his hips. "Tch..." Then he just walked passed by her but Nanami pulled his arm and stopped him. "What the..." Fushimi groaned. "Uhmm... Sorry... Monkey...I mean Fushimi-san... I just need to ask you something..." Fushimi rolled his eyes and sighed. "You know..." He started as he fix himself. "You two are so dumb... And helping you two is troublesome... So my answer is no." And he walks away.

Nanami was left on the hallway with her mouth half open and eyes wide. And its as if a big word of DUMB made out of rock dropped from above. "Dumb?" She asked "i just dont get that guy. I was just going to ask if Munakata-san is busy or something..."

Nanami decided not to look for Munakata as she thought that the Blue King might be a bit busy, especially right after the incident at the Tower and she might find it awkward talking to him since she already regained her memories back. Nanami recalls, as how Munakata stays beside her at night to make sure she won't get nightmares, as he showed her how beautiful the world is, her cheeks blushed and felt like tears were about to form again from the corner of her eyes. But realizing that Munakata has changed, completely different from the Reisi she knew.

"I wish we could turn back time..." She thought not realizing that she said that out loud. "What is it that you want to turn back to?" A familiar deep voice echoed in her ears and turned around to see him, Munakata. Nanami's eyes widened and she unconsciously stepped back as Munakata step closer to her, and she tripped and almost fell. Munakata caught her in an instant and Nanami could only grab onto his shoulders.

"Are you alright?" Munakata asked. Nanami just blushed really hard and immediately let go of Munakata. "I-I'm fine Reisi... I mean... Munakata-san..." Nanami nervously answered as she avert her gaze away from Munakata. "I see your nervous. Totally different from the Nanami I know." He stated as he walk over where Nanami is and stopped in front of her and crossed his arms on his chest then look up.

"I... No... I mean no... Its just... I didn't expect to see you here..." Nanami reasoned herself out. The Blue King just shortly smirked and pushed his glasses up then he walked even closer to Nanami, making face to face to her. Nanami couldn't move as she don't know what to do, why Munakata is acting like this. Then he turned around and walked away from her.

"Take a full rest today... Were going somewhere tomorrow..." Munakata stated as he walks away. Nanami couldn't utter a single word as she was nervous facing him. Her face was all red the entire time and she knew that Munakata could see through her. "S-sure..." She nervously replied. "By the way..." Munakata said as he looked back over his shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay." Then he exited thru the door. Nanami's heart was beating rapidly and she can't hold back her feelings anymore. She felt like her heart is going to explode anytime and "I like you..." She mumbled.


The next day, Nanami is dressed up. She's wearing a blue floral printed, short sleeved and knee length dress. Her hair is tied up with some loose curls on the side of her ears. She's waiting inside Munakata's office sitting on the chair in front of his desk. "Its like ages since I've been here." Nanami said as she let her eyes wonder around. She stood up from the chair and walked around. She stopped by the window sill and gazed down at a bonzai. "Nice..." She commented.

Then door opened with Munakata behind it. "Nanami..." He paused as he saw Nanami was standing by the bonzai and looking at him all surprised. "M-Munakata-san... I was just uhmm..." Nanami nervously fidgets in her place. "Its alright. Let's go. Car's ready." Munakata replied. Nanami is confused as to where they are heading to but she just nodded and followed Munakata outside up until inside the car.

Munakata drove for them and Nanami is next to the him. They were on the road for like 2 hours and they arrived to their destination then parked in front of a small house. Munakata first stepped out of the car followed by Nanami. "Where are we?" Nanami thought. "This place seemed familiar..." Munakata knocked on the door a healthy middle aged lady opened the door. "Oh, Reisi! I'm glad you're back, are you with your colleagues again?" The lady asked as she hugs Munakata.

"No, mother. I'm with someone whom I know you'll be happy to see." Munakata answered as he step aside to present Nanami who's so confused at the moment. "Hana?" The lady exclaimed and she walked closer to Nanami and held her shoulders then gaze her from head to toe.

The lady hugged her tight. "I'm glad you've returned, Hana. You don't know how much we we're worried about you. Especially Reisi. He missed you more than anyone else." Then the lady got cut off by Munakata clearing her throat. "Mother, she lost her memories and just regained them. At the moment she's still recovering." The mother let go of Nanami and she bowed after. "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. Good day, my name is Kokujoji Nanami."

"Oh okay... I'm sorry. I'm just so thrilled to see you again my child. How about I prepare something for you to eat Hana, I mean Nanami-chan?" Munakata's mother offered. Nanami looked at the Blue King and he just smiled at her then she averted her look back to his mother. "Uhmm... Sure. Thank you." She smiled at her. Munakata was still staring at her and when Nanami looked back to him, he suddenly averted his eyes away from her leaving a pale tint of blush in his face.

When Munakata's mother and Nanami went inside to the kitchen, he was left there staring at them. His face would show that he's in deep thoughts of who knows what. He sighed and then just followed the two. "I hope this helps." He mumbled.


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now