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"Oh I hope you liked the food we prepared. It was just simple. Hana, I mean Nanami-chan." Munakata's mother stated as she clasp her hands together near her cheek. Nanami flinches whenever Munakata's mother calls her Hana as she's still getting used to it. Her memories may have gone back but it won't change the fact that she is now the daughter of the Gold King. "Its alright, madam, your cooking is really good." Nanami replied as she tried to gesture her hands. "You can call me mother. You're a family to us."  Nanami's cheek blushed by what the mother said and couldn't say no. She felt like her heart raced and something heavy dropped on her chest. "Th-Thank you... Mother."

After dinner, they were all resting in living room when two children came and ran towards Munakata. "Uncle Reisi!" They exclaimed and Munakata kneels down to their level and carried the kids. "How are you doing kids?" He asked. Nanami just looked at them and smiled. "Hana?" Nanami got startled and look over the door and saw a guy who looks a bit older than Munakata. She stood up and bowed. "Good evening. Pardon for my intrusion. I'm Kokujoji Nanami."

"Kokujoji Nanami? Isn't that the last name of Ojii-san?" The man exclaimed and looked over to Munakata who nodded to him. The man's eyes widened in surprise and confusion at the same time. "But..." As he switch his gaze at Munakata and Nanami. "Its a long story, brother." Nanami looked up to Munakata upon hearing him say brother. "Could he be his older brother Taishi, if I'm not mistaken?" She thought.

The two man were having a conversation as Taishi brought out a bottle of sake and places his arm over Munakata's shoulders. The two kids that Munakata was holding earlier is now staring at Nanami. She noticed this and curled down to face the two. "Aren't you two cute?" She commented and smiled. "Uhmm... You're beautiful too." The boy shyly complimented her. "Are you Uncle Reisi's girlfriend or soon to be wife?" Nanami flushed really hard at the little girl's question. She was about to answer when Taishi placed his hand on top of the girl's head. "Hahahaha. I bet she is!"

Nanami blushed even harder and stood up then shook her head roughly. "No, I mean. I'm not." But Taishi didn't get razzed at her denial and just continued to laugh. "That's alright Reisi likes you very much since we were kids. So there's no doubt you'd end up being together. Hahahaha!" Munakata was drinking sake and almost dropped the cup he's holding and coughed. He looked at Taishi with an angry look.

Nanami just blushed and nervously laughed. "Hahaha." Then Taishi faced back to Munakata and dragged him out the balcony. "C'mon Reisi, stay here for the night and let's drink some more!!" Munakata just sighed and he let his brother drag him outside. Nanami just stare at them with a smile on her face then back to the floor. "To be honest... I feel so out of place. A lot has change." Then she wondered her eyes around and her train of thoughts were cut off when mother tapped her shoulders. She looked back and bowed. "Thank you for the wonderful and delicious dinner." She said.

"I'm glad you liked it. I hope you're feeling at home by now." Mother commented. Nanami jolted a bit by her statement. "Uhmm yeah... I think." She said but the last words were a bit inaudible. "I know how you feel right now, Nanami. You must be feeling out of place." Nanami was taken aback by the mother's statement. "But its alright. Time changes. People too. But this place you called home won't." Nanami felt like tears are starting to form in the corner of her eyes. And she held her arm up ad smudged the tears away and looked back to their mother. "Thank you, Mother." And the old lady returned a gentle smile.

The two grown ups were in the balcony drinking their sake talking about what happened for the past years that Nanami has disappeared. "And after that incident at the tower, she came back with her memories back." Reisi stated. "But, if you've known sooner, why didn't you tell her right away." Taishi asked his younger brother. Reisi didn't respond instead he looked up. The moon is round and very bright. The light it's giving is enough to lit the place. "You got scared." A solemn statement came from Taishi that surprised Reisi.

"I have nothing to be scared of." Reisi monotonously stated. "I didn't say it sooner because she would play a big role for my goals." Taishi sadly looked down and then took a sip from his sake. "But, what about her feelings?" The older brother asked. "I already know how she feel for me." Taishi just shook his head at his younger brother's words. "I have to keep this world in order. And I can't afford to waste some time to deal with such trivial matters." Then Reisi took a sip from his cup of sake and Taishi just face palmed himself. "You're so unbelievable Reisi."

The two spent the night in the house and everyone is already in bed except for Reisi who's standing by the tree outside their house. He was staring at the tree while the leaves and branches are being gently swayed by the cool night breeze. He looked back a and saw Nanami standing by the door. "You're still awake." He said. Nanami was looking down the floor and taking glimpses at Reisi. "Uhm... M-Munakata-san..." She started nervously but not for the other one, his calm and cold composure remains.

Her shoulders are starting to shake from her overwhelming emotions. "I don't understand why you have to bring me here. To be honest it pains me whenever I remember the past." Munakata looked back to her and asked her. "Why is that?"

"I chose to go away. I remember clearly everything.  I was scared to get your family in trouble like what happened to mine. Mother and Father were very nice. Taichi-san and you were all nice. I wanted to go back. Back to those time that we were together. But... I can see that a lot has change. From the house. The surroundings. The flower bed. And... From you."

Munakata walked closer to where she is and then when he's upfront with Nanami he placed his hands on her shoulders that made her look up to him. "A lot has changed. Time flies without us noticing it. It also hurts me just by thinking about it. But..."

"Munakata-san, I...uhh..." Nanami got cut off when Munakata suddenly hugged her. A red tint on her cheeks appeared and tears were forming at the corner of her eyes. "Why did you leave? Why did you choose to go away? I promised that I will save you, didn't I?" Nanami shut her eyes tightly and hugged Munakata back. "I'm sorry. I was so scared. I don't want you to get hurt. I'm sorry." And she cried. The tears that she was holding back since earlier were all released and Munakata hugged her even tighter. Nanami responded to that hugged and hugged him back as well.

"Munakata-san... I like you."


That forgotten promise. (K: Munakata Reisi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now