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"You guys knew eachother?"

"Uh," she looks at me with hesitancy, wondering what she should say. What would be the appropriate word to describe what we have in the past.

"Yeah, she used to be my teacher." I replied for her.

She used to be my girlfriend

"Oh, what a small world." He let out a chuckle and helped his 'Fiancé' sit down before he does.

God, who would have thought that word would be so disgusting to hear??

We decided to order first before discussing what they want for their future house which shall be done a year before their wedding, and yes, taon. They want to make sure na may bahay na sila as soon as they're announced married.Para hindi na need mag honeymoon sa hotel, deretso bahay na. House blessing narin kumbaga.

Yuck, what a mind Ara.

As we wait for the order I did not hesitate to grab Deanne's sketch earlier and presented it to them, It's a good thing Deanne sketched 2 proposals for this.

Hindi halatang hindi ako ang gumawa.

"Wow, Architect. I'm impressed, as if you've already read our minds!" My client which I haven't known his name except for 'Mr Fiancé of my ex girlfriend' clapped in amusement.

It's not your mind I've read, It's her's.

"What do you think honey?" He asked her.

Really? Honey? Pang bata.

I can still remember how she calls us that, parang nakikipagusap sa kinder. Kadiri.

I waited for her to respond, but Instead she lets out a smile. An uncomfy one.

"Yes, It's great. You really knew me well Ara." She said.

I wanted to laugh in bitterness, but I chose not to. Instead I show a forceful smile and chuckle lightly.

Of course I know what goes on in your brain, your my ex girlfriend for goodness sake.

8 damn years, and I still know how that mind of yours work.

"So Architect, uhm. We actually have an addition to the rooms, in total we actually want 4 rooms for our house." Mr Ramirez, Ms's fiancee explained. Oh and yes, natandaan ko na name nya. Pero dapat pala hindi ko nalang tinandaan.

"Oh really? And what would that room contain?" I asked.

"We wanted that room to be a theater room. And the reason why we wanted to tell you personally because we're still struggling what interior will the theater room have. We want it different from other theater rooms but will still display the comfiness just like how a normal theater room is." This time, It's Ms. Ysa who spoke.

Theater room? Since when did she liked movies??

This time, I couldn't help it. I laughed lightly, earning a confuse look from the guy beside her.

"Is there anything funny Architect?" The guy looks back and forth to me and to her.

The waiter arrived with our food, breaking our intense moment for a while. He settles down our food and the couple starts eating while I start to cut the steak I ordered.

"Oh, nothing sir. It's just that, I remember back when we were still at school she told us how she isn't a fan of watching movies because she tends to fall asleep while watching them. That's why she doesn't like it when guys took her on a movie date, and has specifically turned down men for doing so." I said, confidently glancing at her.

Ano, sya lang ang magrerecall ng past??

The man chuckled lightly, "Really? I never noticed that babe," he glanced at her, who's now embarrassed to say a thing.

"Well, I guess it's different when your with the person you love." She rebutted.

I paused, aray. Ang sakit ha.

"Anyways, I'll meet with my team some other time to discuss that. Interior design isn't really my specialization so I'll need opinions from someone who's an expert at those fields. I'll just email you some other time, will that be okay with you?" I looked at the two of them for confirmation.

They simply nod, then we went back to that akward eating moment again.

Goodness, I may not be specialized in Interior designing but here I am. Trying to think of different interiors for a goddamn theater room, anything just to easen the akwardness.

"May I ask, Is there anything you guys would like to be on your theater room? Like favourite colour, or anything that would give us an Idea of what we can possibly do for that room?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Oh, well. My fiancé's favourite colour is purple. I don't know if that helps." He said with doubt painted on his face, thinking it wouldn't help much.

Of course I knew her favourite color.

"A suggestion could be a purple themed theater room, but I'll see what my team has to say about that." I said as soon as I finish eating another piece of my steak.

"Your already a great architect, why ask the opinion of others?" Ms. Gonzales asked.

I chuckle lightly, "I took Urban design as my specialization miss, that's why. I may know something about interior designing, but I figured it will be best if I consult someone who has more knowledge about it than I do." I said.

"But I don't want others opinions, I want yours." She said, stopping me from taking another bite of my steak.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"The reason why I specifically chose the firm your working for and you as the Architect for our house is because I want you to work on it. I want all of your Ideas, thoughts, and knowledge to be poured on that house as it comes to life. I trust you as I have already shaped your character back when I was still handling you." She said, staring deeply at me.

I let go of my knife and fork, I also reciprocated the same stare at her before smiling at the guy beside her who knows absolutely nothing.

"Miss Ysa, as much as I want to pour everything I know over the past years Into your house. The safety and happiness of my client it still my priority. Yes, I can create and design a house all by myself but why do I choose to ask Ideas and opinions from my team? That's because aside from those two things I've mentioned, another priority of mine is for my clients to be able to feel that sense of comfort and home into their own house." I said.

"And that's something that only an interior designer can do." I added, completely shutting her up.

It's a good thing I'm almost done with my steak, I chewed it and chug the remaining water on my glass. I gather my things, and stood up. A sign that I was ready to leave.

"I'll just email you for further updates, It was nice seeing you again. Ms Ysabelle,  and you too sir. I hope to meet again some other time." I said before leaving the two of them.


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