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"I need to go to her..." I wiped my tears immediately. "I have to go to her Jia..."

"Miss..." She uttered.

"Jia, please." I begged, I stood up and made my way outside the hospital. It only takes a few minutes to get to the airport from the hospital. If we get there in time I might catch Ara and stop her from leaving.

Thankfully Jia and Leone agreed, when we got there to the airport I immediately started looking for her, searching through the crowds of people, not minding if I bump into them.

"Miss," Jia called trying to catch up to me.

Tears started streaming when I couldn't find her, I tried once again, but still her presence isn't there.

I ended up giving in by laying down at the airport floor, sobbing, Jia started comforting me while Leone started talking to the security guards at the airport who are surrounding me right now. Probably wanting to take me away due to the chaos I'm causing.

I ended up crying on the floor until Jia and Leone helped me get out of there, turns out Sayonara left while I was still at home cooking her food.

She could have told me, I could have brought her some food...

It all made sense to me, why was she acting weird, why was she crying when she tasted what I cooked, why did she take me to the rooftop and kissed me there while the sunset served as our view.


After that night things weren't the same for me anymore, I had a hard time moving on, I started drinking which is something I don't even do, my work has been so hard to manage, even my kids started noticing the difference in my attitude.

"Where is she!" I yelled, grabbing leone by the collar out of frustration.

Jia Immediately went in the middle and prevented me from doing anything more to Leone, meanwhile leone fixed himself before answering.

"I can't disclose you that Ma'am, Sayonara specifically told me not to tell you where she is-"

"I don't care!" I yelled even more. "Where is she?" I asked once more.

"Usa." He said. "She's in the states, healing, trying to move on. She told us not to tell you, cause she knows you'll go there, which is something your not allowed to do-"

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?" I grabbed my bag and left their office.

I didn't visit them again, instead I focused on booking my flight to USA, Iuckily for me she once mentioned my old students living in a state there. I'll start by going there and asking about her. The school allowed me to take a week break since they're starting to notice change in my behaviour, they taught maybe a vacation is all I needed.

Turns out her friends are busy 24/7, kaya I can't figure how am I suppose to talk to them, time is also running out for me day by day. I can't sit back and wait for Sayonara to show up.

Due to frustration I decided to go to a nearby bar, just like in the Philippines, going to clubs has been my hobby everytime I think about her or whenever I miss her.

In hopes that she'll come and pull me out of that bar.
But three hears have passed, and I've been to many bars, and she didn't come to any of them.

I decided to allow myself to get lost in the toxicity of the drinks and my surroundings, not minding how many drinks I've taken, and how many people I've danced with.

Suddenly I feel something rising within me, I already knew that I'm about to throw up and so I made my way to the bathroom to release all the toxins within me. That's when I spot a familiar body.

Fields of LavendersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin