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No, this isn't some special. I just had an idea and decided to put into a oneshot, but it's structured like a oneshot (will be told from the writer's-my-perspective, but there will be a POV change or two). Enjoy!


TW: Mentions of self harm, sensitive topics, graphic description (?), violence, blood, mentions of prostitution, angst (?)


"Hey WaffleIsASimp_?" I ask.

"Hm?" they reply as they lounge on the couch, playing with my cat, Coco.

"Can I have my cat back please?"

"No!" Waffle replies dramatically, petting Coco and scooping her into their lap. "She's so fucking cute and cuddly, so she's mine!"

I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen, seeing SpottheAxolot attempting to properly toast bread, but utterly failing and burning it every time.

They mutter something to themself as I say, "It tastes better burnt, you know."

"I know, but Aveline says that causes cancer!" they reply, pissed off with how their toast was burnt.

"Then set it to a lower number Fundip (still SpottheAxolot, it's just their nickname)." I reply, setting the toaster to a decent 4, then I put a slice of bread in.

The toast pops out near perfect and Fundip jumps up and down a bit. "Thanks, Ash!" they say happily.

"No problem." I reply with a smile before heading for my room.

As I'm walking, NightWasFound waves me down.

"Hey Night, what is it?" I ask with a half smile on my face.

"What's the deal with you and Edward?" they ask curiously. "It seems like you're dating, but at the same time you haven't made it official yet, have you?"

"I don't really know what's going on with Edward and I," I admit. "We've talked about it a bit, but I don't think we're mentally ready for that sort of thing."

Night nods. "I understand. Maybe talk to him about it some more, see if you're both ready."

"Thanks for listening to me, Night. I really appreciate it."

My friend nods with a smile and walks off to wherever they're going. I hear a "JACOB FRYE!" from down the hall and brace myself for hours of yelling and clanging from the twins.

As I walk into my room, I nearly have a heart attack when I see Edward sitting in my desk chair. "Kurwa mać! (Fucking hell)" I yelp, jumping a bit. "Edward, do you know how to knock?"

"Sorry love, this couldn't wait." he replies.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well I-I was thinking..." Edward says hesitantly. "Do you want to...make it official? You don't have to say yes and we can test it out first..."

"Edward, stop rambling. I don't know if I'm mentally ready to be in a relationship, but we can test it out for now. Okay?"

He nods. Then gives me a shy, tender peck. As Edward pulls away, I see a sheepish smile and a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"Can we watch something?" he asks.

"Life of Brian?"

"I'll do you one better, Ash. All Monty Python and Mel Brooks movies marathon."

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