ᐦ𐌽𝑜𝛚 ߙ𝐡𝚊ߙ Ⅰ 𝐡𝚊𝛖ᥱ 𝗒𝑜𝖚, Ⅰ'𝖒 𝚗ᥱ𝛖ᥱ𝑟 𝑓𝖚ⅽk𝖎𝚗𝚐 ӏᥱߙߙ𝖎𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝑜.ᐦ ⚊ 𝐸𝐝𝛚𝚊𝑟𝐝 𝖝 𝐑ᥱ𝚊𝐝ᥱ𝑟 ❪𝕸ⲟᏧ𝗲𝐫𝓷⟯

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Me: Oh gods, here we go again-

Edward: ...What is this?

Me: More writing?

Arno: ...Oh God...

Me: What? What's everyone's problem with this oneshot?-

Edward: Seems angsty is all...

Me: Okay, I'm just gonna start writing now-


TW/CW: Angst (?), bitchy girlfriend in the form of Caroline, toxic relationship, cheating

Note: I don't know why but this idea came into my head, and when that happens I write it-


Your POV

You can barely dodge the sea of adolescent bodies in the hallway and make it to class on time all at once.


You inwardly groan to yourself as you slip into the class, sitting in the back corner as usual.

Your gaze snags on someone, though.

And that someone? That someone is Edward Kenway. Easily the most charming guy in the school. The hottest, too.

But then your fantasies get shattered when they see his girlfriend, Caroline, kiss him on the cheek.

Caroline's a bitch, cheerleader, slut, mean girl and most popular girl in the school rolled into one.

(Note: Oh this is definitely a jab at Edward's first wife in canon-I hate her bc she had the fucking audacity to leave Edward then tell him he has a daughter he didn't even know about and also bc I'm an Edward simp-)

You feel jealousy rear its ugly head, but a tap on your shoulder interrupts the self-deprecating thoughts you're currently having. You turn in the direction of the tap and nearly sob in relief. Jacob Frye, your disaster bi best friend, wingman and roommate. "You need to confess." he mutters to you. "He's taken." you murmur in response.

"Y/N M/N (middle name) L/N, if you do not confess, I will do it myself." Jacob hisses.

"No, you will not." you hiss back.

He snorts and goes back to writing notes and you back to looking at Edward and fantasizing about what could've been if you just grew a fucking pair and confessed to him before Caroline snatched him from you.

Now that you think about it, he looks kind of annoyed as Caroline pesters him.

Edward's POV

Does this wench  ever shut the  fuck up?  is his first thought whenever Caroline opens her big fat mouth.

Yes, she's his girlfriend.

Or, rather, she forced him to date her. He hates every second of this. Of listening, of pretending to be interested, of telling her 'I love you' when he really thinks she's the sluttiest girl he's ever come into contact with during his 17 years on this godforsaken Earth.

"That's great and all, but I'm trying to focus." he mutters as he tunes Caroline out.

Which is probably going to get him gaslighted later, but he doesn't care.

He just wishes he could have the chance to break up with her. But he hasn't found a suitable out yet.

His gaze drifts to Y/N. Honestly, he'd be more likely to be with someone with a real personality other than a façade over a desiccated husk.

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