𝟏𝟑- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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An imagine featuring Slash- I'M SORRY FOR MAKING HIM A BAD GUY

An imagine featuring Slash- I'M SORRY FOR MAKING HIM A BAD GUY

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Kirk arrives at y/n's engagement party, clearly jealous.

Y/N was hosting an engagement party, and many of her friends would be joining. It was going to be hosted in the mansion she shared with her fiancé, everything was perfect.

Y/N would be getting married to the guitarist of Guns N' Roses, Saul Hudson, famously known as Slash. The pair had been together for 2 years, a couple of weeks ago, Saul had taken y/n to a dinner, near her favorite beach. After the two had finished the dinner, they took a walk along the beach- where he proposed.

It was now 6:50 pm, the party started at 7:00. Some of y/n and Saul's friends were already there. Y/N stood at the top of the stairs in a white elegant dress, nervously stirring her cocktail with the straw. "You alright?" The voice of Saul made her jump and turn around. 

"I'm fine," Saul nodded and kissed her cheek. "I'll see ya later ok." Saul walked down the stairs, his steps echoed on the marble floor.

After a couple of hours, the house was full. Y/N was sat at a table with, Tommy Lee, Slash, Duff, and Lars Ulrich. The most random group, I'd say.

Y/N was engaged in a conversation with Lars when Kirk was brought up. "He's on his way with James, James couldn't find his white blazer." Y/N chuckled. She excuse herself to go introduce some of the guests that walked in.

As she was greeting them all, she was faced to face with James Hetfield and the one and only, Kirk Hammett. Y/N hugged James, and he rushed away when he saw Lars. Y/N groaned when she looked at Kirk, he was wearing a red suit. So, y/n clarified "The dress code is white Kirk." Kirk smirked at her and shrugged his shoulders. "Couldn't find anything, how's your fiancé." "No need to cause a scene, Kirk." She patted his shoulder and walked away.

When she reached the table, Saul was gone, causing her to mentally face-palm, so she just sat next to Duff.

Y/N pov

"Where'd he go?" "Where'd who go?" Duff slurred. "Slash." "Oh, yeah he said he was going upstairs or something." I nodded slowly at Duff, reaching out for a bottle. I thought that was suspicious, I knew Slash could be shy but he never hides or goes upstairs during parties we host.

I was genuinely happy, until Kirk joined the table, holding a freshly lit cigar. "Why do you look so angry, Kirk Von Hammett." I sneered at him. "Because your engagement party is simply boring." I exhaled angrily. "There is no need to be jealous Kirk." "How am I jealous?" Kirk raised an eyebrow firmly.

"Because you came to my engagement party moping around because one of your closest friends is actually happy. You practically ruined the dress code since you're dressed in full red looking like a whole-ass vampire Kirk!" I slammed my beer bottle on the table, startling everyone at the table. Kirk just stared at me in shock. I inhaled and walked off, making my way upstairs.

"Y/N come back." I heard the voice of Kirk, which just angered me even more. I decided to brush him off as I went to search for Saul. "Y/N!" I opened the door, hearing Saul's voice. To my surprise, he was with another woman, all over her in fact. "What the fuck!" I screamed, startling the pair. Saul looked at me with wide eyes- "Y/N it's- it's not what it looks like!" "Oh fuck you Hudson! And to think I was going to marry you in 2 weeks is fucking insane!" I screamed, tears forming in my eyes, I reached for the ring on my left hand and snatched the ring off of my finger.

Throwing it at Saul. "Fuck you, Saul!" I turned around and faced Kirk, he was in complete shock, sadness in his eyes. "Y/N." I snatched Kirk's hand and dragged him to the top of the stairs, I grabbed the nearest glass and a small spoon and tapped it, then shouted. " Can I have everyone's attention please!" Everyone suddenly stopped talking and moved closer to the both of us.

"Well, looks like Saul just cheated on me with some whore! So we're not getting married anymore, So I'd like to announce Saul as the cheating fucking bastard!" Gasps and whispers filled the room, I stared at Duff who was in complete shock.

I turned to Kirk, who seemed amused. "And why are you so bright Kirk?" Kirk smiled at me. "Nothing, you just seem so gorgeous." I finally have to admit that Kirk was really attractive, I honestly have denied feelings for him ever since I met Saul.

But, that's all behind so fuck it. "Come here, Hammett!" I grabbed a hold of his tie and pulled him closer to me, and smashed my lips onto his, which everyone, shockingly, cheered. I heard Lars and James cheer the loudest.

As we both pulled away Kirk smiled like a dork. "You have no idea how long I was waiting for that y/n. And yes, I was jealous, and I'm sorry about that, I should never have ruined something that is- well was going to be so special to you." I sighed. "Well you know I shouldn't have been such a jerk to you Kirk."

Kirk smiled and just kissed me again. He was just so magical, I honestly should have never denied my feelings for him- he would never cheat.

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