𝟏𝟗- 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤

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Kirk's attention was on his comic book, y/n went out today, leaving Kirk behind. He don't mind though, he'd prefer sitting and reading his horror comics today anyways.

He had recently bought so many comic books since the band doesn't have to tour, since it ended a couple months ago. Y/N left to go do whatever a couple hours ago, Kirk was wondering how long was it going to take.

After about twenty more minutes, Y/N bursted through the door, causing Kirk to jump and sling his comic book threw the air, hitting y/n in the face. Kirk gave her a 'yikes' look as the comic book bounced off of her face. "Hello to you too Kirk?!"

"Sorry, you scared me." Kirk nervously chuckled, as y/n walked off into the kitchen, slamming her bags down on the isle. Kirk pushed himself off of the floor and walked over to y/n and sat on the other side of the isle.

"You okay?" "No. I was just shopping, you know like getting all the stuff I wanted. Anyways, you know who I fucking see? Axl Rose." Kirk groaned. Metallica and GNR recently toured together, it caused chaos. Fights every night, James and Axl 'getting in the ring' by screaming at each other, furniture being thrown around, instruments hitting each other, and even more mad shit like that.

"Don't groan Kirk. Anyways, we started to have a conversation and you know what he fucking tells me?" Kirk exhaled through his nose. "What?" "When they were playing here, one of you guys' fans threw a glass bottle at Duff! Knocked him clean out Kirk!" Y/N was furious, she was close with both bands.

"Why is that my problem?!" "It's not just you're problem, it's you're entire bands problem! And you're stupid fandom's! You need to get that in control Kirk." Y/N stormed off into the bedroom. Kirk sighed and poured himself a drink, he didn't bother fighting with y/n tonight.

The next day, Kirk met up with the guys. Turns out the bottle incident was true. "Y/N seemed really upset by it." Kirk told the three, drinking his beer. "Yeah maybe because Duff's been hee friend for a long time?" Lars added on sarcastically which made Kirk groan. "Yeah I know dipshit, I shouldn't have fought with her though."

"You had a fight?" Kirk cocked his head to the side. "Well techincally just an arguement, it was a smallish one I guess." Everyone sighed. No one really talked, until they started to drink more. One second it would be 'You're a jackass!" then the next second it would be 'I love you so much man.'

The four got extremely drunk. They all got into a cab, Kirk being the first to get dropped home. Y/N was so confused on where he was. So when he knocked on the door, barely being able to stand, she was pissed. "What the fuck?!" Y/N whisper yelled. "H-Hi." Kirk slurred out. "Did you seriously go and get drunk Kirk?" Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"Yeah i-is there a problem?" "Uh yeah, yeah there is a problem. You can't just leave then come back hours later, not telling me where the hell you are, then being drunk on top of that?! That's low, Kirk." Kirk became irritated with y/n, so he made himself at home and stumbled right past her.

"I didn't fucking say you could come in Kirk!" "Well I'm sorry that you're in love with Duff McKagan y/n! He seems like all y-you care about right now, so go sleep with him w-would you!" Kirk shouted, Y/N taken aback. She didn't speak for a couple of seconds, then became furious. "Holy fuck Kirk! I am sick and tired of you bitching and moaning at me! I'm fucking sick of it!." Y/N tried to walk upstairs, avoiding Kirk.

"So you are in love with Duff?! Of course you are honestly!" Y/N stopped at the 6th step, and turned on her heel. "Of course I'm not in love with Duff, Kirk! For fucks sake, I'm in a relationship with you! And I am sick and tired of waiting on you to be your normal self again! It's tiring, you are tiring!" Kirk stood frozen in shock.

"Fuck, why are you such a bitch?" Y/N looked at Kirk with wide eyes, face pale. "That's it, that's fucking it Kirk! I am done! I'm done, fuck this, we're over Kirk." "What?!"

"I'm not staying together with someone who just doesn't give a shit about me!" Kirk was furious. "Of course I give a shit about you! You're the one talking about Duff all the fucking time!"

"I am not! What, I bring him up once, and you get jealous?! You're not jealous of him any other time. So I'm done, sleep on the fucking couch Kirk, you're leaving in the morning."
Kirk scoffed and laughed pathetically. "Fuck you y/n! I'm glad we're not together I don't fucking need you! And clearly you don't need me!"

"And the fact that you were going to be a father Kirk!" Kirk's eyes widened. "W-What?" He tried to speak but It only came out in a whisper. "Yeah Kirk, I'm fucking pregnant, but that's too bad." Y/N rushed up the stairs, leaving a drunk and regretful Kirk downstairs.

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