chapter 11

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shiva pov

shiva:raavi I LOVE YOU

Hearing my words raavi was laughing which made me confused.

shiva:raavi why are you laughing??are you okay??

Raavi:i am laughing because just now you have crack the most funny joke in the world.thank you shiva because of you i am laughing so much after many days.But now i have to go so.BYE

Her eyes were moist tears were ready to come out but i know she will not cry infront of me.Her behaviour was making me angry now.She was again trying to leave the place but i took hold her hands.

shiva:raavi now please stop it.I am saying sorry to you and confressing my love to you but you are laughing and making joke of my love.I know i was wrong but not alone your masi ........

I was about to say further but her loud voice stopped me.

Raavi:Jut shut up your mouth.If you can't respect my mother than you cannot disrespect her.You don't have any rights to say against my family{i was shocked}.I will not bear your ill words about my family.You are saying that we are seprate because of my family but tell me when we were together??We were in the same house but never together because you were te one who never wanted me to be part of your life.


raavi:you have said many things and i have listen to you but not today.Let me remind you some moments of our so called marriage.You left me with masi because of some kangan.Do masi was included in this game??Whole somnath knew about my feelings for dev even you but after  listening to sneha fake words and reading my complete diary you were avoiding me like plague.You were the who made my whole effort to save this marriage into asshes.I was begging for you to restart our relation and to give us second chance but no. And do you remember that puja day when you jerked my hand like was untouchable or unholy things.And during kawad yatra you made fun of mine infront of everybody by saying that I am characterless girl.In this whole thing masi was not there only you were.When you were about to get engaged with disha did masi did something.If i haven't stop you that day than you would have married to disha but now i am regerting by stopping you that day.Masi haven't done anything when you and your bhabhi went to stael the papers.Do you know what shiva you never love me you don't even try to understand.

Her words gave reality check of my deeds. I was in tears but not raavi.She was stating the truth which i have done with her.

shiva:raavi its not true.I really love you.I can't live without you just give me one chance.I will prove myself.I will change myself for you

raavi:Shiva you don't love me beacuse if you have ever loved me then you know that i love dhara di more than my anita di.You would have remember that i have been always at dhara di side by standing against my family.I was the one who left self respect after knowing dhara di pregnancy news and came back to this house.If you have loved me than you would have told me about your plan but i was always a out side charachter in your life.And after this i know you dont love me

i was just crying listensing to her. Fear of losing her was getting true

shiva:just give me one chance [whisper]

raavi:not just one chance i have give you many chances but today i know that you dont deserve that chances but i cannot give any chance to this broken relation

shiva:i am sorry. please raavi dont do like this. i will mend everything. i will always trust you. please raavi


Her singal words gave me my broken heart. i was extremely happy i move forward to hug her but she back off making me confused.

raavi:i will give you one chance after asking one question but you did then you will sign the divorce paper and will release us from unwanted marriage

shiva :raavi what do yo me??{confused}

raavi:what if dhara bhabhi would have there in place of mine.What if i was having my IVF which was destoryed by anita di and dhara bhabhi will be the culprit.what would you have done than?? Would you have said that words which you said to me.

I was shocked by her words. i cant do expect crying now. Now i know that i have lost her.

raavi:answer me where are you now silent.

No words were coming out from my mouth.I was feeling that someone has cut my tongue.It was hard to speak and breathe

raavi:you silence has give my answer.Sign the paper and send it to me tomorrow 

She was going but i block her way.

shiva:raavi please dont do this to me. i cannot live without.I really love you. Please give me one chance

Raavi:just stop your drama now [anger was visible by her words] you dont love me.I know you want me to come back to this house by heart because you know that I WILL NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG WITH YOUR BHABHI.You know that now i will not get angry with your bhabhi or you will again throw me out of tis house.YOU WANT ME TO BECOME MAID OF YOUR BHABHI AND YOUR MAA FOR LIFETIME.This house only have one bahu which is your dhara bhabhi.I and rishita were never bahu of this family for your maa.Rishita got her rights as wife but i didnt. I just got nothing in this house.And if i would have knew this before than i would have never dreamt to become bahu of this family.I dont have anything and whatever i had was is now finished.I wish i would have listen to masi and have not marry you and would have happy life.No one have loved me,cared for me,understood me more than masi.Shiva i know that i was never in your heart,life,family not even in your thoughts. i wish you and your family would have accept me and rishita but no. i was alone..........

shiva:its not like th....[cut by raavi]

raavi:it is like that only.Therevwas always partiality between us.rishita left her hose her family her self respect just for you brother love.She protected her love and respect but noone have try to understand and respect her.No one have understood her pain and emotions.You scared her to death by keasr kand.Your maa always taunt her and when she try to stanmd for her respect you all say that its her attitude.Why will you and your family will try to understand us.??Whatever dhara di say is truth for you all.

Realization hit me after listening to her.She is right.Me and my family never tought about them.We never try to understand thrir pain and emotions.How will have rishita bhabhi felt after maa taunt.I m feeling ashamed of myself and my action. I will never able to meet my eyes with raavi and rishita bhabhi

raavi:today also i didt come for her. i came here because i know how it feels when someone reject you.i dont love your dhara bhabhi and this family anymoe the way i used tom do.If dhara di would have told mr dev truth before only i would have let him  go for his happiness but no your bhabhi loves to stretch the matter. I dont love your bhabhi anymore.NOW PLEASE SIGN THE DIVORE PAPER.

And she left.I fell on my knees.I did sin.I lost her today completely. There is no shiva raavi anymore.


Raavi left the room.Finally the tears she was holding fell down her cheeks.She ran out of the house ignoring the calling behind her.She was running without destination.Suddenly she stop as her breathe was getting heavy just like her heart.Vision was getting blur.Shiva ill words were running inside her head.She was not able to breathe anymore.She was having panic attack as it was now impossible for her to take the pain.Due to unable to breathe she fell on the ground.


Total words:1315

Readers it is the longest chapter i have ever written so apperciate my hard work.

I hope you like the chapter




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