Chapter 54 - Tom's Success

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Riddle Manor bustled with activity on the morning of James and Lily's first birthday party.

It irritated Tom beyond measure that Harriet insisted on hosting the dual event, though he dared not infuriate his wife by enforcing his refusal.

With a sly smile, Tom politely spoke to Amelia and her husband during the party.

He made sure to do so whenever Harriet was in ear shot.

She failed to see his real motivation.

Instead, Harriet glanced over at her husband as a smile danced across her lips while he chatted and laughed with her friends.

Still only babies, James and Lily seemed delighted to be together.

The two little ones passed the majority of the party's hours happily playing on the floor with the wide assortment of toys they had received as gifts.

Shortly before the party's end, all four parents watched as James and Lily covered themselves in the small cakes that had been baked specifically for their use and placed in front of them.

Their highchairs became as ruined as their clothes while they squealed and kicked their feet, their chubby little faces coated in cake and icing.

Harriet laughed as she watched her son play.

Her hand laid on Tom's chest as his arm possessively snaked around her back to pull her close.

"Aren't they adorable, Tom?" She asked as she leaned her head against him.

"They are indeed, my love." He whispered as he kissed the top of Harriet's head.

She missed his frown as she kept her eyes on the babies instead of looking up to meet his gaze.

Tom mercifully told Harriet the lie she wanted to hear.

His son was adorable, certianly, but the muggle girl?

Tom knew the party would have been greatly improved if Lily and her family had simply.......not been invited.

While James and Lily explored their fascinating cakes as everyone looked on, one party-goer was not quite as adept at concealing their evident disdain.

A dangerous scowl marred Mae's fair face as she clutched onto Tom's leg and narrowed her eyes at little Lily.

Amelia couldn't help but say something when she spotted the toddler's hateful expression as Mae gazed at her daughter, "Don't worry, little one! There'll be plenty of cake for everyone!"

Lily's mother's words were an unbearable annoyance.

Instead of giving a reply, Mae turned her emerald gaze onto Amelia.

The muggle woman gasped quietly at the merciless coldness she saw reflected in the child's unfeeling eyes.

Amelia should have considered herself fortunate.

Had Mae been years older, that promise of cake may very well have been the last thing she ever said.

Mae wasn't concerned about the food or the mess.........or even the attention, although little James stole everyone's heart.

From the depths of whatever soul she possessed, Mae's dislike of Lily melted into pure hatred that day as she watched the baby girl.

In Mae's mind, the only one next to James should have been........her.

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