Incorrect Quotes Part 8

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featuring: surge characters!

lain: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!


hyuga: *is visibly upset*

hikaru: hyuga, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.


hyuga: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there's nothing there?

hikaru: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before.


hyuga: *sobs*

lain: You fucking scared him, you idiot.


hyuga: You bought a taco?

hikaru: Yes.

hyuga: From the same truck that hit lain?!

hikaru, with a mouthful of taco: Well, me starving ain't gonna help them.


hikaru: Everyone synchronise your watches.

shu: I don't know how to do that.

valt: I don't wear a watch.

hyuga: Time is a construct.


hikaru: *Screams*

hyuga: * Screams louder to assert dominance*

valt: Should we do something?!

shu, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.


hyuga: What if mayonnaise came in cans?

valt: Well, that would such a shame because you can't microwave metal.

hikaru: Good morning to everyone except these two people.


hikaru: We need a distraction.

valt: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?

hyuga, whispering: My time has come

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