Rating Ships - Part 3

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ok, so i got a lot more suggestions(thank you to those who commented!) so now we will continue with the rating ships series! there was a lot of these so i decided to split it into two more parts, part 4 coming soon.  you can continue to comment if there are more ships you want me to rate! thanks! 

zac x akira

-ok these two are cute

-akira looks up to zac and zac is like a mentor to akira

-i feel like these two would be super flirty as a joke but then everyone else sees it as a real relationship

-anyway, i like this ship, i think it could work really well


cuza x hyde


-they've never even met so idk why this would be a ship

-plus if cuza was scared of clio, he's definitely gonna be scared of hyde

-if they ever met, i dont know if they would get along well


kris x silas

-i could see this working

-ngl, i ship free with both of these two more

-but i don't hate the ship

-they are both relatively serious and get along well 

-but silas is more aggressive and kris is calmer

-so im gonna give it a 5/10

ranjiro x aiger

-i lowkey ship this

-not as much as valt and aiger but i could see this one working really well too

-if you spend that much time in a tent together then you've got to be close

-they are both equally weird too

-overall, probably a 7/10

rantaro x valt

-once again, i ship aiger and valt more

-and wakiya and rantaro together

-but this one isn't awful

-although i feel like aiger and ranjiro could be more of a romantic relationship if it ever got to that point

-but rantaro and valt seem more like platonic best friends


wakiya x hoji

-ok so they first met because hojis dad worked for wakiyas dad?

-and they were childhood friends, or at least friends for a long time

-and hoji is one of the couple people who wakiya is nice too

-so its not a bad ship

-but i also think that wakiyas still a meaner type of guy

-and would be the type of person to insult(even as a joke) his friend or whoever he's dating

-and hoji would take the insults as real and then be insecure about it

-while rantaro would come back with a retort or something

-so i think rantaro fits better with wakiya

-but i don't hate hoji and wakiya, 5/10

fubuki x shu

-i can definitely see how some people could ship this

-but also, shu is more of an older brother type figure in fubuki's life, the way i see it

-they are definitely close though, so its still not a bad ship

-maybe fubuki liked shu in the same way as a celebrity crush or something, but i dont think their relationship would advance that much more

-also, i ship fubuki and suoh more

-but its still a 6/10

zac x orochi

-i ship zac and akira more

-and i feel like orochi is too monotone and calm for zac's outgoing flashy personality

-they work well as teammates but i feel like in a relationship, instead of balancing each other out, their personalities would clash


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