Beyblade Burst Heights - Part 2

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next part! this time its the turbo characters!

aiger - 

-he'd probably end up to be taller than valt at the end, he seems like he would have a growth spurt after turbo

-like not super tall, but still taller than valt



-still shorter than rantaro, but not short compared to most of these people



-taller than fubuki but shorter than ranjiro

-maybe 5'9''??


-probably 5'4'' in turbo, since he's a lot shorter than shu and suoh and a little taller than aiger

-then by db, he's probably 5'6''  or 5'7''


-ok, he's the tallest person in beyblade? maybe?

-taller than xander probably, by the way that xavier looks when standing next to him vs by xander

-6'10'' 0r 6'11''


-taller than suoh and kyle

-taller than hyde too



-shortest of the group with xavier and aiger

-probably doesn't grow that much even though aiger would grow more



-once again, he just seems short when he's with xander 

-he's actually taller than aiger and laban but a little shorter than fubuki



-shorter than phi but taller than xavier



-he seems a little shorter than phi but not super short


evel - 

-described as a tall man, so probably a little taller than hyde

-a lot of the dread tower people are actually tall


count nightfell-

-see he's also described as tall 

-probably taller than zac since he's older



-she gives tall girl vibes, idk why

- i don't know what she'd be doing in the db timeline since she doesn't have a beyblade or anything and idk what ranjiro is doing then

-but she'd be 5'7''


-he'd still stay short though, unlike gumita



-shes like 4'0'' in turbo, so she's definitely gonna grow since then

-but also, its hard to imagine her more grown up since she was 7 or 8 in turbo and db would be a couple years after

-maybe 5'0''??

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