Beyblade Gender/Sexuality Headcanons - Part 1

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ok, so this one was a request from @Colby_Kurogami and it was to write my gender/sexuality headcanons for the beyblade characters. i already have a couple thoughts on this, but to be honest, i haven't thought too much about it, so this will be interesting. let's get started, burst/evolution first. 

akira -

-bro is a little too colorful to not be fruity

-probably pansexual and would be nonbinary

-would be very open about this and walk around on stage with pride flags and stuff like that if hes performing or something

-probably wouldn't mind if someone used she/her pronouns, but prefers he/they

clio -

-probably gay but even he barely realizes it

-everyone else can see it, but he doesn't fully recognize the fact that he is, he just likes dudes and is cool with it

-uses he/they pronouns

cuza -


-since him and valt are both pan, they would talk about it and probably both buy pride flags together

-he/they? but wouldn't really care that much on what people use

daigo -

-maybe asexual

-and demiromantic

-i feel like he would need to take time before he just falls in love with someone


-but would be ok with they/them if someone used it on accident or something

free -

-@Colby_Kurogami i fully agree with your genderfluid free headcanon

-probably he/him at first and then as he discovered genderfluidity, he decides that thats what he identifies as

-he's chill with any pronouns


quon -


-would have had women ask him out before and it took a couple times of him rejecting them to realize that hes not just uninterested in them, but he's also not interested in women in general


rantaro -


-with a preference for men


silas -


-everyone would think he's straight but he's actually bisexual and just hasn't told anyone

-maybe he'd tell free 

-but only because he knows free wouldnt tell anyone

-always seemed straight when he was younger and he always thought he was straight until one day he considered that he might be bi and then just decided to go with that

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