Incorrect Quotes Part 13

154 9 14

featuring: turbo characters!

(if you have a favorite season for incorrect quotes I do, feel free to comment and I'll do more of those!)

hyde: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside


evel: hyde, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn...

hyde: * Sips coffee from bowl*


hyde: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."


phi, ordering coffee: I'd like a light roast.

hyde: You're kinda ugly.


hyde: I have a problem.

phi: kill it.

hyde: Can you chill for like, two seconds?


xavier: hey! I heard you like reptiles, got any fun facts?

kyle: actually I'm more of a dog person but if a crocodile eats your dad, they become your new dad.


xavier: Someone's trying to break in. Call the cops!

xander: *loads shotgun* I got this.

xavier: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-


xander: Uptown Funk would've made it into the Shrek soundtrack.

xavier: That's the truest statement I've ever heard.


aiger, holding a python: guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him

fubuki: You did WHAT–

ranjiro: William Snakepeare


suoh: When I see initials carved into a tree with a heart I think it's so romantic. Two lovers on a date... one of them carrying a knife for some reason.


hyde: *watching his house burn down*


hyde: *starts filming* Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot spaghetti o's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.


aiger: Don't worry, I got a plan.

valt: Alright.

aiger: TraitorSayWhat?

ranjiro: Excuse me?

aiger: What?



aiger: No wait-


aiger: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.

valt: aiger no.

ranjiro: Mistlefoe.

valt: Please stop encouraging him.


aiger: I desire moisture.

hae jin oh: Please just say "I want water" like a normal person.


hyde: yummy, thanks!

Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.


suoh: I came out here to attack people and I'm honestly having such a good time right now.


aiger: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".


aiger: Valentines Day? I'm ready. *Sprays an entire can of AXE body spray on himself*


aiger, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea?

hae jin oh: Tea.

aiger: Wrong. It's coffee.


kyle: Be careful, I thrive on negative attention.


aiger, holding in his laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it's doing?

hae jin oh: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language.


aiger: water you doing?

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