Beyblade Sleepover Headcanons - Part 1

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new series requested by @sketchysketchers ! this one is about what my headcanons are for if beyblade characters had sleepovers and what would happen! thanks for the request! burst/evolution first!

akira -

-plans an entire night of movies and games

-and organizes and sets everything out beforehand

-decorates his house and chooses a theme for the sleepover as well

-invites every single person he knows

-and asks zac to invite everyone he knows

-tells zac he can sleep on his bed while everyone else has to sleep on the floor or couch

-would have a pretty big house for everyone to go in so it would be fun

boa -

-hasn't ever been to a sleepover and is very confused at the thought of one

-doesn't see a point to a sleepover

-shu invited him to his house one day a couple months after they both got out of the snake pit

-mainly because he felt bad and wanted to at least talk with him

-(yes this goes back to my 'shu is a mentor to boa too' headcanon)

-cooked him a meal and let him sleep on the couch

-thats probably the most of a sleepover he ever got, but he doesn't feel like he's missing out

clio -

-would want to try and stay at some old rumored haunted mansion as a sleepover

-(ngl that actually sounds awesome)

-invites daigo and cuza to bring their sleeping bags and snacks and then decide to camp/sleepover there

-cuza probably gets scared really easily there

-and daigo goes to bed at a normal time while cuza and clio stay up talking about the randomest things ever

-they go ghost hunting and probably find at least some cool thing that they can take pictures of

-but they stay the entire night and had a good time

cuza -

-wouldn't ask beforehand if he has a sleepover and always annoys people when he does this

-hangs out with silas and then just pulls out a sleeping bag from his backpack and announces that he is sleeping over

-does that to clio too

-and pretty much all of bc sol

-they've gotten used to it by now

-except silas, he will never not be annoyed by cuza

-can talk for hours and is always running around when he's talking 

-literally cannot sit still at all during a sleepover 

daigo -

-doesn't see the point of sleepovers

-would rather sleep than stay up all night talking

-hangs out at people's houses but then either goes to sleep or goes back to his house

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