Beyblade Burst Jobs - Part 4

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short little surge section(thats a tongue twister)

hyuga -

-lives at home and would take over the family restaurant when he is older

-everyone's worried about how this would go

-because hyuga's somewhat reckless

-but he is really interested in learning all the skills so they believe in him

-doesn't ever feel jealous that hikaru's technically more successful because he really likes his job

-and gets to stay close to his parents

-takes a lot of electives and fun classes in high school and then goes to culinary school during college

-lowkey gets really good at cooking though

-works with valt sometimes since he can bake well and they both get invited to be on some cooking show together

hikaru -

-idk probably the CEO of some big company

-seems like he would be really organized and responsible

-when he's not hanging out with hyuga

-he's not a overly bossy or controlling leader though

-he's really supportive and kind to his employees

-would take business classes and stuff like that in high school and college

-takes a lot of work trips but always tries to stop at home whenever he can

-really proud of hyuga though because his parents wanted someone to be interested in their restaurant

-his parents are proud of him too though


-he would join the military

-would be in the air force

-likes the order and constant work that it gives

-would be a repairman for the facilities and aircrafts

-doesn't really like talking to others so doesn't want to join a squadron

-and instead is always called when something is broken or before a mission

-to ensure it's safety

-and likes that he can still be in a warehouse type building(like that one place he went in the anime idk)

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