School Headcanons - Part 3

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now doing the rise school headcanons!

arman - 

-is smart but sometimes forgets basic stuff

-like he can tell you all about both world wars but will have to think for a couple seconds when asked 1+1

-does pretty well in school, gets Bs or sometimes As

-joined karaoke club with the rest of the victories 

-goes out to eat with them on most fridays 

-would ask the teacher a lot of random personal questions to stall so they don't actually have to do as much work

-studies with delta in the library before big tests, dante is usually too distracting

delta - 

-either takes really well written, detailed notes or writes nothing and will forget it

-gets As

-probably in some honor society

-hangs out with dante and arman during lunch but also occasionally eats alone

-good at public speaking

dante - 

-the king of spirit week, he will go all out and be the most fun person

-really talkative and happy person, all the teachers think he's super fun

-goes super intense during dodgeball in gym

-also very competitive in review games or any time where there are teams competing

-always picks arman and delta for group projects, even though he knows arman and him will never get any work done and mess around and delta will get annoyed

-probably did track at some point in school

-band kid!!

ichika - 

-never goes to pep assemblies or any school assemblies

-quiet in class but talks a lot with her friends

-always telling the annoying people in her class to shut up

-tries to pay attention but ends up drawing on her notebook

-still does well though

-gets As

taka - 

-tells arman about his day everyday when he gets home

-taking some film class and does the morning announcements everyday

-has a lot of friends 

-gets low As or Bs

fumiya - 

-always brings a lot of food whenever there is class parties

-good at public speaking and presentations

-always does really creative presentations 

-he's a theatre kid, so he has a lot of friends from theatre

-always trying to compete with arman when it comes to who gets better grades

-gets As and Bs

-people either think he's really cool or really annoying

-always making bets in the class with anyone who will take him up on them

-puts a ton of roses in his locker on valentines day and acts like other people gave them to him

arthur - 

-on the football team, he's the running back

-would fight anyone in the halls and smash them into a locker

-gets detention a lot, or gets suspended

-doesn't have a lot of friends

-always bothering gwyn to help him with his homework or tests

-actually he just wants to cheat off of gwyn's work

-gwyn always says no and just walks away

-gives the middle finger to multiple people a day

-gets Cs

gwyn - 

-gwyn is probably taking 7 classes and most of them are advanced

-and he still does well

-gets As

-falls asleep in class though, probably has a messed up sleep schedule

-teaches himself the curriculum before and then knows everything when its time for the lectures

-doesn't ever help anyone with their homework or work 

-eats lunch alone and is fine with it but dante always shows up and wants to eat together

-introvert for sure

blindt - 

-in ap art classes and does really well at them but is bad at every other class due to the time he devotes only to art

-always wants delta to be his muse for when he has paintings due

-delta always says no, but eventually said yes and blindt actually made a really cool art piece of delta

-gets Cs but gets As in art

-very dramatic when he does bad on a test

-like he will roll on the ground and cry(probably fake cry though)


-the class clown

-always pranks the teachers and students and himself

-has multiple whoopie cushions in his backpack

-never pays attention in class and distracts anyone around him

-everyone likes him though

-draws penises on his papers and on the desks

-gets low Bs

lodin - 

-probably a wrestler 

-doesn't have many friends because he's super intimidating and doesn't like anyone

-he doesn't want friends

-goes to the gym after school for hours but still manages to get some of his homework done

-gets low Bs

joe - 

-in some sort of drama class

-also i could see him in debate?

-follows arthur around and makes betting stands whenever arthur gets into a fight with someone

-gets B's and doesn't really try hard at all

-would be really good at cheating

-hangs out with a new group of people everyday and will talk to many different people even if he doesn't know them

surge next!

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