Chapter 146: Xiao Cha is Odd

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Seeing that Xiang Qing’s house didn’t have the many rooms, he asked with concern, “Where should we put her?” Yin Zi was carrying the girl on his back.

I thought for a moment and quickly decided, “Drop her in the pigpen. That place is a good hiding spot. Don’t let anyone find out.”

So we sneakily brought the girl to the pigpen. We put her next to a pile of straw. From somewhere, Yun Zi had gotten a medicinal concoction. He forced it down her throat. It didn’t take long for her to start vomiting. After she had thrown up for a while, she became feverish and fainted.

I looked at the sky to guess the time. I thought it was somewhat cold. With good intentions, I pushed back several pieces of straw, and then I tightly buried her in the pile of straw, so she wouldn’t catch a cold.

After I finished, I worriedly went back to the kitchen. This time, I didn’t dare to follow my own ideas. I obediently listened to Yin Zi’s instructions while cooking.

So, rice has to be washed before it can be put into the pot.

So, vegetables shouldn’t be crowded together and heat can’t be too high.

So, fishes’ internal organs have to be removed and scales have to be scrapped off.

So, salt wasn’t something you could add as much as you feel like.

So, Mo Lin’s medicinal herbs and Feng Xiang wood were poisonous when combined… if someone ate them, they’ll die.

There were so many things to learn for cooking. It was more difficult than fighting. I was so busy that I felt like I was running around in circles. One second I forgot to do this. Another second I forgot to do that.

I didn’t dare to simply boil the fish. Following Yin Zi’s instructions, I scraped off the scales, cut open the belly to remove its internal organs, sprinkled salt and spices directly onto the fish, and steamed the fish with the rice.

Every few seconds, I couldn’t resist checking if the food was done. From time to time I would screech and ask stupid questions like, “why were there white bubbles rising from the rice?”

Finally, I finished cooking the food. Yin Zi saw that there weren’t enough side dishes, so he stir-fried leafy, green vegetables.

This dinner was my greatest victory as a cat. This accomplishment was worthy of being written down and kept in the history books for all eternity!

In high spirits, I carried the food to the dining room. My mother-in-law, elder brother-in law and his wife, and my son were all waiting for the meal to be served. This was the first time I saw my elder brother-in-law. He looked similar to Xiang Qing, but was more rugged. His eyes were somewhat dim. His nose was straight. He had a beautiful beard. Overall, he was a handsome older man.

Elder Sister-in-law was a different person in front of him. She was like a small, obedient bird. Whatever he said, she would agree. Their affection towards each other was warm-hearted. I thought it was very admirable.

Xiao Mao was sitting next to mother-in-law. His sweet and affectionate words coaxed her to smile.

“Dinner is here,” I happily greeted everyone.

Mother-in-law raised her head. Seeing that I was able to cook a meal, her face was more pleasant, “Let’s eat.”

I obediently put down everything. Yin Zi came forward to place the utensils.

Elder brother-in-law looked at me for a while and somewhat enviously said, “Younger brother has good fortune. He has a wife and a son…” Then, he sighed.

Meow Meow MeowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ