Chapter 5: Hunted

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In the middle of a desert, Max is giving a finishing touch for his handmade training ground with Ben and Y/n in the middle of it. Once he's done, he looked at the boys.

"You boys, ready?" He asked.

The boys smirked and transformed. Ben became his diamond body alien he called Diamondhead while Y/n became Saberfang.

"Oh yeah." Diamondhead replied, followed with Saberfang's growl.

"Remember to think out there, Ben." Max advice from the control panel. "Don't just try to muscle it. Might isn't always right."

"I know, but it's always fun." Diamondhead turned his arms into spikes as Saberfang multiplied himself into three.

Max pulled a lever, launching multiple cans of soda at the boys. The Saberfangs reacted and cut them all with their razor tail, and their incredible teamwork. Max triggered another one, releasing target practices, only to be shot by diamond shards from Diamondhead's spikes.

The training continued with Saberfangs attacking their targets with efficiency and focus while Diamondhead fighting too casually.

"Show off." Gwen commented near the Rv while applying sunscreen.

"Focus, Ben. Think." Max stated.

"Don't worry, grandpa." Diamondhead said in reassurance before dodging an incoming soda cans.

He shot them all down, not realizing a wheel swing right at him. The wheel tossed him in the air, resulting him accidentally to shoot his shards randomly. Some of the shards almost hit Max and Gwen.

Diamondhead chuckled nervously. "Whoops. My bad."

Suddenly, a cut mark appeared on his nape, resulting him to yell in pain. He caressed his nape and turned around to see Saberfang growled and glared at him with rage.

"What?" Diamondhead asked in confusion.

The Saberfangs merged into one before he walked away from the training ground.

Once they cleaned up Diamondhead's mess, the gangs continued their trip.

"You rock head! You almost turn me into Swiss cheese." Gwen complained.

"I said I was sorry." Ben retorted. "What else do you want?"

"What we want is for you to take thing around your wrist more seriously, Ben." Max answered. "It's not a toy. You've got to think before you use it."

"I know, but come on. You guys seen me in action. I'm the baddest Ben in town. I've kicked so much alien butts that my feet hurst." Ben boasted as he put his feet on the table.

"Yeah, you are so bad that you're going to cause unnecessary civilians casualties in action!" Y/n shoved Ben's feet away from the table. "You almost kill Gwen and your grandfather! It's not something you can take so lightly!"

Suddenly, the Rv's engine broke down, forcing the gang to make an emergency stop on a deserted mine.

"Wow, looks like nobody home." Ben commented at the place.

"Not for awhile." Gwen corrected. "My intelemap program says this is Slaterville. Incorporated in 1857 after the discovery of silver. And busted in the late 50's when the mine ran out."

"Why is everything out of your mouth sound like a bookerboard?" Ben mocked.

"At least she has the brain." Y/n commented, earning a snickered from Gwen.

"Whose sides are you on?" Ben snarled at his friend.

"The one who think before they act."


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