Chapter 27: Benwolf

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Somewhere in a Native American reservation, Max and the kids are being give a tour by one of Max's old friends, Wes Green. The tour guide is currently explaining about a dream catcher hanging in a shop stall

"Navajo legend says the web of the dream catcher protects the dreamer by holding the nightmares in the center while the good dreams travel down the feathers to bless the person sleeping." Wes explained to Max.

The group continued the tour with Ben yawned in boredom.

"Is that true?" Ciel whispered at Y/n, implying Wes' explanation about the dream catchers.

"To the people around here. It's a matter of perspective and beliefs." Y/n clarified.

"I am Groot..?" Groot whispered from Y/n' chest pocket.

"It's 50-50."

After a short walk, the group came across a young girl performing a dance in the middle of the street while accompanied by music. Curious, the kids went to get a closer look.

"That's my granddaughter, Kai." Wes introduced.

"Oh, Wes. Last time I saw her, she was barely walking." Max commented. "Now look at her."

"What is she dancing, Mr. Green?" Ciel asked.

"She's performing a ceremonial Navajo dance."

"You know, I was hoping to see one of those before the summer ended." Ben claimed, catching Y/n by surprise.

However, the Nemetrix wielder noticed how his partner gazed at Kai that contradicted to his claim.

"Since when have you been interested in Native American spiritual dance?" Gwen interrogated.

"Oh, he never does." Y/n interjected. "He's actually interested with the girl."

Ben flinched in response with a blush on his face while Gwen gasped before laughing in amuse manner. Before Ben could even protest, Kai finished her performance and the people who watched her performing applause to her. She then went pass the kids and joined up with her grandfather.

Y/n's sixth senses alarmed him, and he looked up to see an approaching storm. Immediately, it began to pour rain and purple lightning struck the ground violently.

"This rain is not normal." Y/n commented.

"Take cover in the Rust Bucket!" Max leaded the kids to the Rv.

A bolt lightning struck the ground near them. From the cloud dust, a silhouette of a beast appeared before them. The beast stood up in two legs, showing its werewolf form before running away.

Sensing another danger, Y/n turned to the source to see an incoming flash flood. They quickly climbed up to a higher ground, but Kai is caught by the flood.

"Going Ripjaws." Ben dialed his watch but for unknown reason, he couldn't transform. "Okay, I'm going by myself."

He gave Kai a chase, jumping from roof to roof. He spotted a floating barrel and jumped on to it. He managed to keep up with Kai and pulled her up to the barrel.

Suddenly, they noticed a wall that may crush them if they continue down the stream. Fortunately for them, Terroranchula arrived and made a wall like net by connecting two opposite buildings with his energy web in front of the two.

They let themselves captured by the web and immediately climbed up to building where Terroranchula is waiting. Once they reached a solid roof, they fall in exhaustion.

Terroranchula tensed up by a malicious presence. He looked to the source found the werewolf ripping off a satellite receiver before vanishing in the lightning bolt.

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